
Monday, April 24, 2023

Big Problems Facing America

 As we have said numerous times, it’s painful to watch the decline of America. As difficult as it is to list the problems we can’t put our heads in the sand and pretend we don’t see it as if the problems don’t exist. We are called to be Watchmen on the Wall and sound the alarm about what our enemy is up to. All of this “bad news” isn’t really “bad” for those of us who claim Christ as Savior.  It’s simply confirmation that God is fulfilling his Word.  So don’t call it “bad news” but rather call it “interesting times” and use that as a springboard to warn your friends and family that it’s not too late to repent because this world is passing away.

**************** Below are comments from Rapture Ready on April 17, Nearing Midnight

By having a president who is mentally challenged, America is no longer the clear leader of the world. Although it did not get much news coverage, China made a move that shows America is being pushed out of its leadership role. It secretly arranged for a peace treaty between Saudi Arabia and Iran. This is an amazing accomplishment on the part of the Chinese when you consider that Saudi Arabia and Iran were, at the time, fighting a proxy war in Yemen.

A key source of American power in the world is that we control the reserve currency that all other nations must use in global trade. During the past quarter, several nations have signed treaties that will exclude the dollar in future trades. For decades, China has built up a large holding in US bonds. It has publicly stated that it has no plans to increase its holdings of our debt.

Crime has gotten so bad in many major cities that big box retailers are closing their outlets. Walmart is closing several stores in New York City because that has made it impossible to turn a profit. In fact, the company said they had stores in some locations for 17 years, and they lost money every year.

In San Francisco, a Whole Foods is closing up because it can’t get workers to show up. Violent crime is so rampant that some workers fear for their personal safety and refuse to come to work. If a mentally ill homeless person steals a grocery cart, you’d be a fool to run the risk of being stabbed over a fight for the cart. While you’re still recovering in the hospital, your attacker would likely be back on the street.

The reason why cities like New York and San Francisco are turning into lawless hellholes is that we have DAs and Judges that refuse to do their duty. They are elected or appointed into their position to go easy on criminals, whom they view as victims of the system. If a guy walks up to a stranger on the street and beats him for no reason, he is not a victim. This thug needs to be put in jail so he can’t hurt anyone else.

The mainstream media has long been evil because they add a liberal bias to the news stories of the day. Lately, things have gone one step further by the press collectively deciding what deserves to be reported and what should be banned from news coverage. The Jan 6th invasion of the Capital is constantly in the news. The boycott of Bud-Light over the firm having transvestite Dylan Mulvaney as the brand’s spokesperson has gotten very little coverage. The few articles that I find in a news search attack the boycotters as transphobic haters.

People who think they are some other sex has been going on for a long time. It seems in the last few weeks, it has reached a boiling point of insanity. Here in Benton, Ak, we have two students at the local High School who claim to be a dog and a cat. One of them requested that a litter box be set up in the bathroom for it to use.

Many corporations have a growing number of people on staff that are social justice advisors. They are there to make sure the firm follows woke guidelines that no one can really define. If they mess up, they can’t be fired because that would be racism and grounds for a lawsuit.

The rapid decline of America must have Christians screaming, “I can’t take this anymore.” I would remind my fellow believers that this is the outcome that the Bible predicted. Our Lord Jesus said that prophetic events would unfold like birth pangs. The pace of the last quarter ensures me that our mission here on earth will shortly come to an end. Please continue to Stand with Rapture Ready until we are called home.

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