
Sunday, April 23, 2023

More Cattle Mutilated

The “aliens” are getting more brazen. They show up along a Texas road and kill 6 cows, cut out their tongues with some type of knife that humans don’t have, drain the blood, core out the anus and vagina and leave them. No foot prints, no sign of struggle and the predators won’t scavenge the carcasses.  Impossible for humans to accomplish.  Satan and his demons are up to something nefarious.  We believe they are using this genetic material to make strange flesh...something terrifying that will be used during the Great Tribulation where men will faint with fear by what they see coming.


“A straight, clean cut, with apparent precision, had been made to remove the hide around the cow’s mouth on one side, leaving the meat under the removed hide untouched,” the release said. “The tongue was also completely removed from the body with no blood spill.”

Officials said the grass around the cow was “undisturbed” and there were no signs of struggle, footprints or tire tracks in the area. Ranchers told law enforcement no predators or birds would scavenge the cow’s remains.

The cows were found mutilated in the same manner with the tongue removed and nothing noticeable in the surrounding grass, but each cow was found in a different location and belonged to a different herd.

Two of the cows also had their genitalia and anuses removed.

No cause of death has been determined in any of the six cases.

Similar incidents have been reported across the nation and deputies are working with other agencies to investigate, the release said.

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