
Sunday, April 23, 2023

Has the National Divorce Already Started in America?

 We agree with Rep Marjorie Green when she says that the chasm between Left and Right in this country has simply become too wide.  We can’t compromise anymore because the world views are too divergent. Conditions like this could lead to a Civil War if there were a major shock to the system.  But maybe we should all just separate on our own and the delusional Left who hates the God of the Bible can move to one area and the God fearing folks who believe that God made only two genders can move to another?  According to this article maybe it’s already happening?


Since 2020, some 2.6 million people have moved out of U.S. counties that were won by President Joe Biden and into those that former President Donald Trump prevailed in, the analysis found. It cited recent Census Bureau data.

More than 61 percent of the counties that voted for Biden in 2020 lost population, while 65 percent of Trump-supporting counties gained population,” the Issues and Insights analysis said. The data showed that some 2,562,937 people moved from Democrat-leaning counties to Republican-leaning counties since Biden was elected in the divisive November 2020 election.

The two counties that lost the most population from net internal migration were Los Angeles County and Cook County, Illinois, which both overwhelmingly voted in favor of Biden. Cook, which includes Chicago, was down about 200,718, while Los Angeles lost about 363,000 people since the election.

California, which has a Democrat governor and legislature, experienced “a massive net outflow” of people—871,127—in the past two years. New Jersey, which has a Democrat-controlled legislature and a Democrat governor, lost 107,000 people in the same time period, although the analysis noted that red counties in the Garden State gained 22,507.

“While many of the blue counties that lost population were urbanized,” it said, “the exodus was widespread and nationwide, including many far more sparsely populated liberal areas.”

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