Monday, April 3, 2023

NYC Mosque's Will Also Blast Call to Prayer

 In our previous post we talked about Minneapolis being the latest victim of Muslim demands.  So here is another one from the news today huge surprise...NYC.

Egyptian activist Rana Abdel Hamid celebrated her win by claiming that she and other Muslims were the actual victims of the September 11, 2001 Islamic terrorist attacks and that they should “unapologetically” Islamize the city.

An Egyptian-American won a United States city approval for the Islamic call to prayer (Adhan) to be blasted from loudspeakers five times a day at three mosques in her New York neighborhood during Ramadan.

Muslim community organizer and politician Rana Abdel Hamid posted on several media platforms that she received approval Monday from the Astoria neighborhood, known as “Little Egypt.” The neighborhood is situated west of Queens in New York City. Muslims celebrated the further Islamization of New York City, “I feel like it’s beautiful, like coming back from Egypt, somewhere that where that’s normal,” said one Egyptian Astoria resident.

Abdel Hamid, a failed Democrat congressional candidate, and her mother, Mona El-Baghdadi, have fought tirelessly to Islamize the neighborhood. The pair have campaigned for the call to prayer (Adhan) to be blasted through loudspeakers atop mosques in the streets of Astoria to intimidate unbelievers.

Here;  Conquered NYC: Call to Prayer Will Be Blasted From Loudspeakers Five Times a Day, Muslims Spit on 9/11 Victims (Video) - RAIR (

If you were a Muslim who believes the teachings of Islam that say that the entire world will one day be under Allah's control, you would look at NYC and say, "See!  Allah is winning!  We bombed the crap out of this place 20 years ago and killed 3000 people and today we hear the songs of Allah being flooded into the streets!  We are winning!"

And meanwhile, all the "woke" people are patting themselves on the back saying, "See how inclusive and tolerant we are!!"


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