
Monday, May 29, 2023

Iran Digging Their Nuke Project Deeper Underground

The government of Iran is serious about getting nukes.  They may already have them.  The time for Israel to act could be “any day now”.  The US government has to be confusing to the Iranians.  One President Obama gives them plane loads of cash and privacy to build Nukes while another president Trump withdraws from the Obama plan and then warns them to mind their manners.  The Bible said Iran would be part of a coalition of the Last Days intent on destroying Israel and we are seeing that right before our eyes.


A set of satellite imagery accessed by The Associated Press has revealed that Iran is currently constructing a nuclear facility near a summit in the Zagros Mountains in central Iran which is believed to be beyond the reach of the US bunker-busting weapon, GBU-57 MOP.

The US bunker-busting bomb, on its part, has already been making headlines.

On May 2, the US military released images of the GBU-57/B Massive Ordnance Penetrator bunker buster, or MOP, at the Whiteman US Air Force Base in Missouri’s Facebook page. The facility houses US B-2 Bombers, the only aircraft capable of dropping the MOP bomb.

In a caption, the base stated that it had received two MOP bombs so a munitions squadron there could “test their performance.” However, the photos were deleted shortly after to prevent the leak of sensitive information about the composition and payload of the weapon.

The timing of the photos was called into question as they were published amid rising tensions between the US and Iran over the latter’s advancing nuclear program. Earlier this year, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl warned that Iran could make sufficient fissile for one nuclear bomb in “about 12 days,” down from one year.

On its part, Tehran is constructing underground nuclear facilities that would make it more challenging for its adversaries to carry out attacks.

Iran has been building tunnels in a mountain close to the Natanz nuclear complex, which is alleged to have been the target of numerous sabotage attacks owing to the dispute between Tehran and the West over its nuclear program.

According to experts, given the scope of the development project, Iran may be able to use the underground facility for uranium enrichment and centrifuge manufacturing. These swiftly spinning, dozens-strong, tube-shaped centrifuges spin uranium gas to enrich it.

Additional equipment would enable Iran to enrich uranium while shielded by the mountain quickly.

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