
Tuesday, May 30, 2023

It's Now or Never If Israel is Going to Strike Iran

 Here's one more article to add to the discussion on what Israel is going to do as Iran digs its nuclear bomb program deeper underground.

There are all kinds of developments that indicate Israel is getting closer to direct action against Iran.

One such indication is the open manner in which key officials are now talking about the need for Israeli action against the regime in Iran.

This not only has to do with the increasing aggression of the various terrorist groups that Iran has introduced into the so-called ‘resistance axis,’ but also with developments in the nuclear weapons program of the Islamic Republic.

The nuclear weapons program was back at the forefront of public and private discussions in Israel last week, and the same was true of the aggression that the Islamic Republic displays towards the Jewish state.

Let’s start with the latter. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said on several occasions that Iran is responsible for 95 percent of all the terror that has plagued Israel over the past few years.

Bibi is convinced that Iran was also behind the recent mini-wars with the terrorist organization Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and the increasing aggression of Hezbollah, which last week held its first military exercise close to the border with Israel.

Netanyahu also made a comment last Wednesday suggesting that Israel could take pre-emptive and sophisticated action, such as the one taken against PIJ, against Iran.

After a visit to an intelligence unit of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the prime minister went on to say that Israel’s enemies must know that “the future is already here” and that “the enemy must know that we are far ahead of them.”

He based this on what he had seen at the IDF base in the Negev Desert, and he later posted a video on his Twitter account saying that the IDF is making extensive use of human and artificial intelligence in the fight against Iran.

The visit to the IDF intelligence unit had made him more optimistic, he added.

This brings us to the latest developments in the nuclear crisis between Iran and Israel.

While the West, such as the European Union, seems to focus exclusively on sanctions against Iran’s human rights abuses, Israel appears to be gearing up for direct military action against Iran.

This is now happening after it became known that Iran is building a new nuclear facility deep underground near the existing nuclear plant Natanz.

In the recent past, Natanz has been the scene of mysterious explosions and other acts of sabotage that Iran attributed to Mossad, Israel’s foreign intelligence agency.

The new underground nuclear facility is located under a 1,600-meter mountain in the Zagros Mountains of north-western Iran.

Here;  Now or Never - Israel and Iran's Nuclear Weapons Program (

So for sure we will not be surprised if we wake up to a headline that Israel has attacked Iran.  We can expect the world will heap dismay on the Jewish State.  Wars and rumors of war.

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