
Sunday, June 18, 2023

4200% Increase in Non-Binary Students

Not a surprise here as teachers, TV programs, social media all talk about LGBTQ incessantly, of course they are going to increase the number of confused children who say, “Hey, I think I’m something else that is going to get me attention, praise and maybe a picture in the yearbook!”


In just four years, the number of “nonbinary” students in New Jersey public schools rose by 4218 percent, figures from the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) show.

 People who identify as nonbinary say their “gender identity” does not conform to exclusively male or female.

This massive increase in students identifying as nonheterosexual isn’t thanks to “business as usual,” says New Jersey parental rights activist Nik Stouffer. She believes the jump in nonbinary cases springs from both COVID-19 restrictions and a new education program starting in 2020 that normalizes sex changes, she told The Epoch Times.

“This isn’t even changing your gender—we don’t have a number on that,” Stouffer said of the state statistics.  “They’re only collecting the number of nonbinary students because they collect ‘male’ and they collect ‘female.'”

She wonders how many NJ students now identify as transgender or homosexual. The state doesn’t provide those numbers in the report.

Exponential Rise in Nonbinary Students

The NJDOE figures show that in just four years, the number of nonbinary students in NJ schools jumped from 16 to 675, state student surveys show.

In the 2019 -2020 school year, of the 16 nonbinary students in New Jersey schools, 10 were in high school. The youngest was in second grade, state records show.

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