
Monday, June 19, 2023

Netanyahu Tells Biden that No Agreement With Iran is Acceptable

 Israel continues to be front and center in the daily news.  It's pretty amazing for such a tiny country with 9 million people.  It only makes sense if you are reading your Bible and know that God is not finished with Israel.  

The USA continues doing silly stuff to appease the Iranian government.  It started with Obama, Trump tore it up immediately and now Biden and company are picking it up again.

Prime Minister Netanyahu visited the Israel Aerospace Industries complex today (Sunday) and asked to send a message to the American government regarding reports about the possibility of reaching a conclusion that bypasses Congress on the Iranian nuclear program.

"We are determined to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Our strong opposition to returning to the original nuclear agreement contributes to the American decision not to do so. We have also made it clear to our American friends that even if the agreements are more limited - they are also unacceptable to us," Netanyahu stated.

He added, "In any case, as I make clear to them, make clear to the world and will also make it clear here again: we will do everything we need to defend ourselves, on our own, against any threat."

As part of the visit, the Prime Minister was presented with the activities of the aerospace industry by Chairman Amir Peretz and CEO Boaz Levy. In addition, Prime Minister Netanyahu toured an exhibition of defensive and offensive ordnance.

The visit was accompanied by National Security Council head Tzachi Hanegbi and Netanyahu's military secretary Major General Avi Gil.

Here;  Netanyahu sends message to Biden: ''No agreements with Iran are acceptable' | ערוץ 7 (

Israel knows that when a government openly says that they are seeking the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people, they take them at their word.

Don't be surprised to read the headlines someday soon that Israel has taken military action directly against Iran.

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