
Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Burning-Man Mayehm

Maybe you have heard that the pagan festival called Burning Man has been majorly disrupted by unprecedented rains.  It’s held in the desert of Nevada and rain has turned the whole area into gumbo mud that makes cars, bikes and walking transportation near impossible.  Thousands of people are stranded their with no way out.  If you want to see the massive rainbows that covered this area look here;

Its very interesting that God sent rain to put an end to this godless, pagan-worship party, complete with a Chapel of Babel and an Orgy Dome.  God will not be mocked.  And the actions and symbols set up at Burning Man maybe pushed the envelope a bit too far.


If you put up a blasphemous 60 foot tower and call it “the Chapel of Babel”, you should probably brace yourself for some consequences.  Every year, the Burning Man festival pushes the envelope farther and farther.  It really is the perfect “Mad Max” festival for our rapidly degenerating “Max Max” society.  This year, more than 70,000 people made the trek out into the desert, and that included hordes of celebrities and social media influencers.  At Burning Man, clothing is optional, weirdness is encouraged, and there is very little sexual restraint.  In fact, “the Orgy Dome” at Burning Man has become world famous for the activities that happen there.

And if we stay on the road that we are currently on, our entire society will experience very painful consequences.

So I don’t mean to just single out the Burning Man festival.

Ultimately, the Burning Man festival is simply a microcosm of our society as a whole, and hopefully we will reverse course while we still have the opportunity to do so.

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