
Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Devout Christians Are Israel’s Greatest Champions

Notice that the headline says “devout Christians”.  This would likely explain why churches that fly rainbow flags, ordain gay, lesbian and transgender ministers and have a very low opinion of scripture, are typically NOT big supporters of Israel.  Some will criticize Zionist Christians and say, “you just want the Jews to hurry home to the Promised Land so they can be destroyed after the rapture!”  I would respond that ONLY God could orchestrate the return of Israel after 2000 years.  I would also point them to the everlasting promise God made to the Father of the Jews, Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.”  Seems pretty simple.  Also would help to explain why Democrats and even American Jews, are typically NOT friends of Israel.  Go figure.


“I’m a great champion of devout Christians because devout Christians are the greatest champions of the State of Israel,” Netanyahu said. 

Netanyahu addressed a range of topics during his 21-minute address, including historic Christian Zionism that led to the Balfour Declaration and the foundation of the State of Israel.

He also spoke about his family’s history of Zionism. Netanyahu’s grandfather, Rabbi Nathan Mileikowsky, was a Zionist political activist, rabbi, and writer. The Prime Minister’s father was the scholar and academic Benzion Netanyahu. Netanyahu described how President Eisenhower took inspiration from Benzion and the Jewish people. 

Netanyahu also discussed how, under his guidance, Israel has made alliances with some of its Arab neighbors.

“There’s a very cruel rule, really a physics of politics, internationally and everywhere else, and that is that strength attracts weakness because if you’re strong people will come to you,” Netanyahu said. “We had to be strong, not only in our faith and in our resolve, but we also have to be strong in the material capacities that make a nation strong. The most important thing that you need for strength is a strong military. But a strong military requires a strong economy. I devoted a good deal of my time in office, as Prime Minister of Israel, to convert Israel from a semi-socialist economy to a free market capitalist economy. And once we did that, we had all the genius that is embedded in our people, the technological and scientific prowess to meet the forces of the market.”

“And that created this great transformation of Israel into the startup nation into one of the preeminent powerhouses of technology in today’s world.”

Netanyahu explained that this was the basis for the success of the Abraham Accords.

“If you’re strong, people will make peace with you. Nobody makes peace with the weak.”

Netanyahu also explained that the success of the Abraham Accords was that it sidestepped the Palestinians.

“It took a while to persuade people, even the previous administration, that we don’t have to go through the Palestinians to get their consent to try to get peace with the broader world,” Netanyahu said. “And that’s what people were telling us for 25 years. They said, ‘You can’t go beyond the peace that we made with Egypt and with Jordan. You’re not going to get to the broader Arab world if you don’t make peace with the Palestinians.’ The problem with that is that the Palestinians don’t want peace. You know, they don’t want peace with Israel. They want peace without us. They don’t even want a state next to Israel. They want a state instead of Israel. So if we wait for them, we’ll wait another quarter of a century, and we’re still not going to get it.”

Evans asked on behalf of his Christian listeners if it was safe to come visit Israel. The interview came during a period of increased tensions between Jews and Christians in Israel. 

“I heard two  American friends talking,” Netanyahu quipped. “And one of them said, is it safe to go to Israel? And the other answered, ‘Well, you know, once you get past JFK Airport, it’s fine’.”

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