
Monday, September 4, 2023

“Screw Your Face Diapers!”

The folks who want to control us through fear and manipulation are at it again.  Will it work this time?  Will we all put masks on, stay home, social distance and turn in anyone we see breaking the rules?  There has been a big push by conservatives to get the word out, “whatever new pandemic they say is coming, don’t comply with their orders.”  It’s almost eerie to watch the video from 3 yrs ago when actors and TV personalities were saying, “if they don’t get the vax then no food, no medical care, no compassion!  Let them die of Covid in their own stupidity!”  Of course we now know the vaccine did nothing to prevent Covid.


A number of people on social media have declared that "we will not comply" with COVID-19 mask mandates as some hospitals and businesses have moved to reinstate such rules in recent weeks.

Notably, former President Donald Trump released a video addressing "every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our freedom."

"Hear these words: We will not comply. So don't even think about it," he said. "We will not shut down our schools. We will not accept your lockdowns. We will not abide by your mask mandates and we will not tolerate your vaccine mandates."

"Amen, Mr. President. WE WILL NOT COMPLY!" wrote Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake on X, or Twitter.

While the former president had no authority to issue lockdowns, officials under his administration came up with national guidelines in early 2020—when the virus first arrived on U.S. soil—in a bid to deal with COVID-19. Later in 2020, President Trump declared that he opposes lockdowns and mandates, saying that "lockdowns are killing countries all over the world" and called on "Democrat governors" to "open up" their states.

"Just a reminder. We will not comply. Ever again. Screw your face diapers!! #masks," wrote Fox News' Tomi Lahren days before on X.

Former "Saturday Night Live" actor Rob Schneider had a similar message as an Atlanta college confirmed it would reinstate masking. "Regarding your precautionary mask mandate… I have a precautionary Foot I’d like to shove up your [expletive]! But don’t worry, it’s just for the next 14 days! For your own protection! Ps. Students WAKE UP, SHEEPLE! SAY NO!" he wrote.

"We will not adhere to lockdowns. We will not submit to mandates," wrote Dr. Simone Gold, the head of anti-mandate America’s Frontline Doctors." "We will not wear masks. We will not close down schools. We will not comply to COVID tyranny."

The anti-mandate messaging comes as some hospitals in several states have moved to reinstate mask mandates, although some have only made it mandatory for doctors, nurses, and staff. But some have forced the rule on patients and visitors, too.

This week, Samaritan Health Facilities announced that it would require masking for staff, patients, and visitors. A public relations official with the hospital, Leslie DiStefano, claimed it is being done because “we know is that [masking] absolutely works,” despite hundreds of studies showing otherwise.

Earlier this month, United Health Services in Binghamton, New York, confirmed that it would again require masks for patients, visitors, staff, and doctors. “Because of an uptick in COVID-19 cases, masks are once again required in all clinical areas at UHS Wilson Medical Center, UHS Binghamton General Hospital, UHS Chenango Memorial Hospital and UHS Delaware Valley Hospital, as well as primary and specialty care sites,” United Health Services stated on its website.

The policy, imposed last week, is “in effect immediately for all patients, visitors, employees, medical staff, volunteers, students and vendors.” It added: “Masks are required at nurses’ stations and in conference rooms within clinical departments, including areas where patients register, wait, transport through, or receive testing and care.”

Masks will also be mandated in “common spaces,” the announcement added. That includes hospital lobbies, hallways, stairwells, cafeterias, and patient care units.

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