
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Even Joe Rogan Can See the Mark of the Beast Coming

 The coming cashless society is almost upon us.  Once it is here the Bible says that eventually the Antichrist will take control of the entire system and make every person, who wants to access it, get a special mark on their right hand or forehead. Those who get it will be permanently banned from receiving salvation.  Of course this is all going to happen AFTER the rapture so I don't believe that followers of Christ TODAY will be put in the situation to have to choose.

But the fact that we are the first generation to have the technology to make this possible should be one more sign to us all that Jesus is near.  Even Joe Rogan sees it!

Joe Rogan is a comedian, podcast host, and UFC commentator. His podcast, which I do not endorse with the rank language he often uses, has over 15 million subscribers. He's a major influencer in our culture today and an unbeliever.

A couple of weeks ago, he had a guest named Duncan Trussell, who is a stand-up comic, writer, and actor. Surprisingly, they discussed for quite some time how a cashless society is a precursor to enforcing the mark of the beast.

During his program, Joe Rogan asks, "How long before we're a cashless society?" Trussell responded:

"Hopefully, forever. It is so scary to imagine losing privacy completely because every transaction is in the public eye and is observable... This is where I get scared because it's too similar to the mark of the beast. It's too similar to exactly what the Bible in the book of Revelation says. You won't be able to trade, you won't be able to do anything unless you have the mark, unless you bear the mark."

This response led Joe Rogan to say, "How's the Mark of the Beast described in the Bible? I think we're onto something here."

Rogan then pulled up the Bible and read from Revelation 13:11-18, a section that describes the coming false prophet, a kind of second in command or the lieutenant of the coming antichrist, who is going to make an image to him. The influential podcast host read this entire section live on his broadcast.

This is a well-known unbeliever talking at length about the mark of the beast, reading the book of Revelation, making this connection between a cashless society and the rise of the antichrist.

On the heels of that conversation, the new "Amazon One" technology is about to go nationwide. A recent headline from CBS News reads, "Amazon releases new cashless 'pay by palm' technology that requires only a hand wave."

This article discusses the use of biometric palm scanning technology, which again, is part of this cashless society that Joe Rogan was talking about:

Amazon is taking cashless payments to another level.

In a new rollout, the tech giant is giving customers another contactless way to pay for groceries -- with their palms.

In a statement Thursday, Amazon announced that the palm recognition service, called Amazon One, will be used for payment, identification, loyalty membership, and entry at over 500 Whole Foods and Amazon Fresh locations across the nation by the end of the year.

Instead of pulling out a credit card or even a phone for Apple Pay, subscribing customers will simply have to hover their palms over an Amazon One device to pay.

For decades, Bible prophecy teachers have been saying that there is going to be a cashless society. The only way that the antichrist can control the world economy is for there not to be cash. As long as there is, people can use cash to operate in a way that is undetected.

The article continues:

The technology is already available at 200 locations across 20 U.S. states including Arizona, California, Idaho, Oregon and Mississippi...

Panera Bread, for example, has adopted the technology so that customers can simply wave their hands above the device in order to pull up their MyPanera loyalty account information and pay for their meals.

At Coors Field stadium in Colorado, customers trying to purchase alcoholic beverages can hover their palms over the Amazon One device to verify they are 21 or older.

It's being used now in several different convenience stores. It's being used at Hollywood casinos in Detroit. It's also being used by many airport travel retailers.

Another article from LifeWire reports, "This means you won't need your wallet, purse, or even your phone to complete transactions. You just need your palm." Basically, this turns your hand into a personal credit card.

"How does this work?" the article goes on. "You pre-enroll via your Amazon account, using a credit or debit card. Next, you head over to an Amazon One palm-reading device to make a scan."

Now, this is powerful. LifeWire says, "The algorithm matches unique elements of your palm with your account information... It doesn't just use images of the palm to identify a person, but also incorporates the underlying vein structure. "

CBS went on to state:

A palm is the safest biometric to use because you cannot identify a person by it, Amazon said. The tech company assured customers that their palm data will not be shared with third parties, including "in response to government demands."

Including "in response to government demands"? Well, in the future, this is going to be taken over by the antichrist. He's going to rule the world and rule this economy.

It's important to understand that these technologies that we're talking about here (Amazon One, different chip technologies, or biometrics) are not the mark of the beast, but they're part of the infrastructure he will use to control the world economy. I think he will use these things alongside the mark of the beast. He will use every kind of technology he can to control, monitor, and surveil people's lives and finances. When you control people's money, you control their life.

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