
Wednesday, September 20, 2023

State of the Nation: Debt, Addiction and Apostasy

 Things don't look real good for America from a God-fearing viewpoint.  I work one day per week with some teen boys who are addicts.  These 15-17 yr old boys tell me stories from their schools that would make a porn star/bartender blush.  And these are the future generation!  I've told lots of folks that I believe we won't build beds fast enough to house the drug addicts that are coming in the next 10 years.

I also think you are all very familiar with the debt that is crushing America.  Not only the trillions that the Government owes to somebody, but the personal debt that Americans have built up as inflation continues to ravage the middle and lower class.

And then of course we have the millions of people who call themselves "Christians" but celebrate the ordination of their gay, lesbian, transgender pastors, worship prosperity and believe that Christ came to make the rich, bounce around on the floors laughing and acting demon possessed yet claiming it's the work of the Holy Spirit and a myriad of other false teachings plaguing the church.

In all of human history, has there ever been a society more gluttonous than our own?  

We are addicted to sex, we are addicted to drugs, we are addicted to shopping, we are addicted to eating, we are addicted to entertainment, but our biggest addiction of all may be money.  

Even though we were handed the keys to the greatest economic machine the world has ever seen, it was never enough for us.  We always had to have more, and so we have run up the largest single mountain of debt in the entire history of the planet.  

If you can believe it, on Monday the size of the U.S. national debt crossed the 33 trillion dollar mark for the very first time...

The U.S. national debt topped $33 trillion for the first time ever on Monday, crossing a critical milestone at a time when government spending is already under scrutiny.

The national debt - which measures what the U.S. owes its creditors -- hit $33.04 trillion as of Monday afternoon, according to new data published by the Treasury Department. By comparison, just four decades ago, the national debt hovered around $907 billion.

I don't know if I even have the words to describe how reckless our leaders have become.

It took from the founding of our nation all the way up to 1980 for the national debt to reach one trillion dollars.

But now we have added a trillion dollars to the national debt in just three months.

And thanks to rising interest rates, interest payments on our debt are projected to increase at an exponential rate in the years ahead...

In fact, interest payments on the national debt are projected to be the fastest-growing part of the federal budget over the next three decades, according to the CRFB.

Payments are expected to triple from nearly $475 billion in fiscal year 2022 to a stunning $1.4 trillion in 2032. By 2053, the interest payments are projected to surge to $5.4 trillion. To put that into perspective, that will be more than the U.S. spends on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and all other mandatory and discretionary spending programs.

Of course we are far from alone.

At this point, total global debt exceeds 300 trillion dollars...

GLOBAL debt hit a record US$307 trillion in the second quarter of the year despite rising interest rates curbing bank credit, with markets such as the US and Japan driving the rise, the Institute of International Finance (IIF) said on Tuesday (Sep 19).

The financial services trade group said in a report that global debt in US dollar terms had risen by US$10 trillion in the first half of 2023 and by US$100 trillion over the past decade.

It said the latest increase has lifted the global debt-to-GDP ratio for a second straight quarter to 336 per cent.

But we are by far the biggest offenders.

We are literally destroying the future for our children and our grandchildren.

As a nation, we are also deeply addicted to drugs.

Today, more Americans than ever before are addicted to legal and/or illegal drugs.

And more Americans than ever are dying from those addictions.

According to NPR, drug overdose deaths set a brand new record high last year...

Drug deaths nationwide hit a new record in 2022. 109,680 people died as the fentanyl crisis continued to deepen, according to preliminary data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Eight states saw drug deaths continue to surge by nine percent or more, with the greatest increases of 21 percent coming in Washington state and Wyoming.

Drug overdose deaths also set a brand new record high the year before that.

And the year before that.

You get the picture.

Our addiction to food is also killing many of us.

In fact, we are being told that the number of Americans that die from heart disease each year with obesity as a factor has actually "tripled" since 1999...

The number of Americans who died of heart disease with obesity as a factor has *tripled* since 1999.

Obesity now affects 42% of all Americans, and 20% of children.

Of course we are even more addicted to sex than we are to food.

It simply doesn't look good for obese, sex-addicted, drug addicted, debt-ridden, Godless America.  So it shouldn't surprise us to read that America isn't found anywhere in future prophecy.  Where did we go while all the nations of the world were gathering during the Great Tribulation?  Most likely, when Jesus came to take His bride, millions of Americans vanished and it brought a swift and sudden collapse to the military, the banking system and the confidence in our $33 trillion in debt.

Can I remind you that a trillion dollars is a stack of $100 bills stacked over 600 miles into the air?

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