
Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Illegal Immigrants From Africa Causing Problems in Israel

It turns out that “diversity is our strength” is actually a lie manufactured by the Left.  People from other nations and cultures can show up illegally, or legally, in your country and cause all kinds of mayhem.  They use the freedom that their host country provides to attack it from within.  France is losing its war with Muslim immigrants and so is Sweden.  Notice that Israel’s plan to stop illegals coming in from Africa is to build a wall on the Egyptian border.


Violent protests erupted in Tel Aviv as hundreds of Eritrean asylum seekers attacked Israeli police during a demonstration against an event organized by the Eritrean Embassy. The confrontations left over 150 people injured, including 27 police officers, in a city already grappling with tensions between asylum seekers and locals.

Following the violent disturbances in Tel Aviv, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, before boarding a flight to Cyprus on Sunday, addressed the chaotic events, denouncing them as ‘an actual threat to the character and future of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.’ Netanyahu emphasized his government’s two-pronged approach to tackling the issue, explaining, ‘The first thing was to build a barrier to stop the en-mass migration. The second was to deal with those infiltrators who entered the country.’ Regarding the barrier, he highlighted the construction of a fence on the Egyptian border, which had successfully halted, by conservative estimates, over a million infiltrators. Netanyahu expressed concerns about Africa’s increasing population and its economic challenges, which could potentially lead to another wave of infiltrators. To address this, he revealed that he had recently ordered the construction of an eastern fence. He emphasized the necessity of safeguarding Israel’s identity as a Jewish and democratic nation.”

Netanyahu discussed the issue of those who had already entered Israel, stating, “Regarding those who already entered, several tens of thousands. We deported 12 thousand. We did not do what I think would have caused a disaster if we had accepted it, and that’s the UN’s proposal, which would have granted citizenship to 16 thousand infiltrators. This would have created a huge magnet for millions of Africans to attempt to enter Israel, and that would have destabilized us. This is not the solution. The solution is to willfully remove them or through other means. Unfortunately, the court did not approve five of such steps, including the recent Deposits Law. I hope we can do this.”

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