
Thursday, September 7, 2023

Only 2% of Churches Teach Bible Prophecy

If you want just one more sign that we are in the very Last Days, here’s your sign!


In a recent Lifeway poll they found only 2% of churches in the USA teach Bible prophecy. This is an amazing latter-days stat for several reasons:

1- Roughly 30% of the Bible is prophetic. They’re ignoring almost 1/3 of the scriptures.

2- 100% accuracy in past prophecies fulfilled literally separates the Bible from every other book on the planet. It not only claims to be written by God, it proves it by predicting the future.

3- The entire Book of Revelation was prophetic when written. Today everything from Revelation 6 forward is still in the future and likely to be fulfilled within the next 7-14 years.

4- The Book of Revelation is the only book that promises Believers a special blessing for even trying to read and understand it.

Revelation 1:3 KJV – “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.”

I once read comments on Rev. 13:16-17 (Mark of the Beast) in a turn-of-the-19th-century commentary. The writer explained that each bank could have a person standing inside with a list of those forbidden to bank, and unless you got the OK-nod from him, they wouldn’t let you transact business.

That is silly and naive to us, but it just goes to show you that people over a hundred years ago were studying the Book of Revelation, as best they could, and receiving God’s blessings for the effort.

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