
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Life in America has NEVER Been More Unaffordable as it is Now

 It's really becoming obvious to many.  Here in little Buffalo, MN I know of a truck driver who was making around $100k and as a single man and he couldn't qualify to buy one of the cheapest houses in town that ended up selling for around $300k.  This was just a small, one level home with an attached single car garage.

My wife and I say it all the time that we feel bad for the next generation because they can't really have dreams of "someday let's move to such and such and have a hobby farm!"

I saw a recent article that back in 1972 the average home price was around $18,000 and the average salary was about $9,000.  Today the average salary was around $55,000 but the average home is now over $250,000.  So clearly home ownership is becoming a distant dream for many Americans.  This could help to explain why apartment buildings are going up in every town around us.

Our standard of living is being systematically destroyed, but for a lot of years many Americans didn't fully understand what was taking place because it was happening so slowly.  But now we have reached a stage where the purchasing power of our money is collapsing and the cost of living has become exceedingly painful.  

Thanks to our rapidly rising cost of living, the middle class is becoming "the impoverished class", and the poor are increasingly being pushed out into the streets.  

If we do not find a way to turn these trends around, it won't be too long before we have tremendous societal turmoil on our hands.

Earlier today, I came across an article about a woman that found a receipt from Burger King that was dated August 10, 1986.

At that time you could buy a Whopper for just $1.54.

Today, that same Whopper will cost you $6.79...

A woman has been left stunned after discovering a retro Burger King receipt from the 1980s which reveals the staggering price increases that the fast food chain has implemented over the past four decades.

US-based Liza took to social media to share the receipt after her mother found it in a box in the garage while remodeling her home.

The faded paper from the fast food chain dates back to August 10, 1986, and lists three Whopper burgers purchased for $4.62 - which works out at $1.54 each.

A single Whopper burger currently costs $6.79 in today's money - over four times the price listed on the vintage receipt.

In other words, if you had $6.79 back then, you could buy four whoppers and you would still have money left over.

This is what inflation does.

It destroys our purchasing power.

Another woman named Melanie that makes 34 dollars an hour is so stressed financially that she literally tries to make one loaf of rye bread last her for the entire week...

"What I've started doing is I buy a loaf of rye bread, and I work really hard to keep that one loaf of rye bread lasting me the whole week. And I eat peanut butter, so I'll eat peanut butter toast whenever I'm hungry."

In the old days, if you were making 34 dollars an hour you were living the high life.

But now most people making 34 dollars an hour are just barely scraping by from month to month.

Of course it isn't just food that has become absurdly expensive.

At this point, homes in the U.S. have never been more unaffordable than they are right now.

The following was recently posted on Twitter by The Kobeissi Letter...

Inflation adjusted home prices are now 85% above their average dating back to 1900.

Even after accounting for inflation, home prices have never been more expensive than they are now.

In fact, inflation adjusted home prices are now 20% above their 2008 peak, the previous all time high.

The median home now sells for an alarming 530% of the median annual income.

Meanwhile, the median house payment is now a record 49% of median PRE-TAX income.

Affordability has never been worse.

We have never seen anything like this in the entire history of our country.

I hate to say it but it is becoming very possible that we are the generation that is witnessing the end of the American Dream.  This shouldn't really be a surprise as we watch the FEAR OF THE LORD literally vanish from American's world view.  God blessed us for a reason and when we collectively remove God from the equation the blessings can very quickly vanish.

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