
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Signs Say Jesus is Coming Soon but So Few Are Paying Attention

For sure there is a convergence of signs like never before.  We don’t know the day of hour but we can sure see the signs for the coming Great Tribulation.  Click the link below to read all of them as I just posted a few paragraphs from this article.  And yes he does mention the “aliens” as one of the signs.😏


We most assuredly live in biblical times. The convergence of signs is like that of the grand finale of a fireworks show that noisily illuminates the sky with its bright display of colors. Yet sadly, many believers and pastors turn their heads and walk away from the spectacle telling themselves and others, “There’s nothing to see here.”

I also believe the words of Proverbs 1:20 apply here: “Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets:”

The myriad of signs, along with the voices of many students of Bible prophecy, sound the alarm regarding the nearness of the Tribulation. Wisdom continues to cry out with the message that Jesus is coming soon, but so few are paying attention.

A few months ago, I wrote about the blindness to such things in How Can You Not See? I still wonder how those who know Scripture can remain asleep and unaware of the signs that point to the nearness of Jesus’ appearing.

Now my question has progressed to: “How much longer can it be before Jesus catches us up to meet Him in the air?”

Below are several reasons that cause me to ask this question.

The Rush To Divide Israel

When I look at Israel on a world map, I need to put on my reading glasses and even then it’s difficult to discern the nation’s boundaries. Most countries this small receive little or no attention on the world stage. However, almost all the world leaders are now focused on both Israel and Jerusalem.

The Bible predicted this would happen at the time of the end (Zechariah 12:1-3). The U.S. and other nations have become preoccupied with settling the Palestinian matter, believing this will magically bring peace to the entire region.

During his speech at the UN, President Biden called for a two-state solution as the path toward peace in the region. When he met with the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu seemed willing to go along with it to a limited degree, perhaps as part of the deal with Saudi Arabia that Netanyahu now predicts will become a reality sometime in early 2024.

The rush to divide Israel tells us that the Tribulation period is ever so near because it will be during this time that the Lord will judge the nations that cut up His Land (Joel 3:1-3). Those with a passion to provide a state for the Palestinians are fulfilling biblical prophecy; God said this would happen at the time of the end.

The Push For Digital Currencies

Another telling sign that speaks to the nearness of the Tribulation is the push for digital currencies.

During the September 2023 meeting of the G-20 nations in New Delhi, India, the leaders “agreed to a plan to eventually impose digital currencies and digital IDs on their respective populations, amid concern that governments might use them to monitor their people’s spending and crush dissent.” This pact includes a pledge “to build the necessary infrastructure to implement digital currencies and IDs.”

The antichrist needs such a system in place by the midpoint of the Tribulation in order to control the buying and selling throughout the world (Revelation 13:16-18). He won’t be able to do this if it’s possible for people to use cash or write checks for their purchases.

In America, the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is coming by way of the Federal Reserve’s FedNow, which has gone live. Many major banks are now participating in the program, which makes the transferring of money immediate.

David Bowen, in his article, FedNow Goes Live, Paving The Way To A Central Bank Digital Currency on Harbinger’s Daily, wrote this about the matter:

The Federal Reserve claims this is the alternative to a CBDC — a Central Bank Digital Currency. But really, what this is a stepping stone to a CBDC. Once the public gets more comfortable with the speed of FedNow and the system is accepted as the standard procedure, you’ll get a Central Bank Digital Currency.

The inevitable collapse of the economy in the U.S. will speed up the path to a CBDC in America, which will quickly become a unified worldwide currency during the Tribulation if not before it starts.

The Threat Of World War III

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