
Tuesday, September 26, 2023

NASA Reveals Latest Weapon to Search for Aliens

Nothing really fascinating to see here in this Fox News article.  NASA is going to use Artificial Intelligence to help solve the UFO and alien dilemma.  What could possible go wrong with that scenario when a Satanically manipulated intelligence goes looking into outer space for demons masquerading as advance life forms from other planets?  But you just gotta love all these headlines with aliens and UFO’s.  It’s a sign of the times.


 Artificial intelligence and machine learning will be "essential" to finding and proving the existence of extraterrestrial life and UFOs, NASA said.

The space agency recently released its highly anticipated 36-page UFO report that said NASA doesn't have enough high-quality data to make a "definitive, scientific conclusion" about the origin of UFOs.

Moving forward, AI will be vital to pinpointing anomalies while combing through large datasets, according to the report compiled by NASA's independent research team on UAPs (unidentified anomalous phenomena), a fancy word for UFO.

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