
Sunday, September 24, 2023

Netanyahu and Peace with Saudi Arabia

He quotes the Bible and tells the world they can choose blessings or curses. Peace with Saudis or war with Iran?  This is super interesting because Bible says Antichrist will “confirm” a peace agreement so might be that signs off on an agreement already made?  And peace with Saudis could get a lot of other Arab-Muslim nations to follow suit.


JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – In his first in-person address to the United Nations General Assembly in five years, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu painted two dramatic visions of the future and urged the leaders of the world to choose.

It was one of the finest speeches I have ever heard him deliver.

And I believe it will be well received in the two capitals that Netanyahu cares about most right now.

Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, where Bibi was speaking directly to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman al-Saud.

And Washington, where Bibi is determined to heal the breach between himself and President Joe Biden.

One vision, Netanyahu said, is a world in which: 

  • Israel and Saudi Arabia make an historic and transformational peace treaty and many Arab and Muslim states follow suit

  • Iran and the Palestinians choose peace instead of terrorism and nuclear war

  • The world cooperates to insure that Artificial Intelligence (AI) brings dramatic new blessings of peace and prosperity to all of mankind

The other vision, Netanyahu argued, is a world in which: 

  • Iran and the Palestinians choose war instead of peace

  • The world does nothing to stop the Iranian regime from acquiring nuclear weapons and a terrible war erupts in the Middle East

  • Artificial Intelligence replaces humanity with machines, jobs are decimated, tyranny reigns, and AI leads the world into an unimaginable and catastrophic war

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