
Monday, September 25, 2023

“Six or Seven Muslim Countries Will Follow Saudis and Make Peace With Israel”

 Peace! Peace! Peace in the Middle East!  “While they are saying, ‘peace and safety’, destruction will fall upon them suddenly”

We blogged on it yesterday that all this Abraham Peace Accords making peace between Muslims and Jews  could be the pre-cursor to the plan that Antichrist confirms when he shows up sometime after the rapture.


“There are another six or seven countries that will join that peace agreement, that I have met with – significant Muslim countries with which we do not have relations that are interested,” he said.

He then backtracked slightly, saying that he had personally met with “several” of those countries’ representatives. He refused to name them, saying simply that they are “from Africa and Asia.”

When asked, he said that normalization with Saudi Arabia was “definitely possible,” pointing to the “historic statement” that Saudi Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman made during his interview on Fox News, “when he turned directly to the camera and said that they are reaching for a peace agreement.”

“Every day we’re getting closer,” he added, saying that the next leader of Saudi Arabia would not have spoken that way in public if a deal was not reachable.

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen told Kan News Friday that he believes “at least” half a dozen Muslim countries will follow Saudi Arabia’s lead, should Riyadh and Jerusalem normalize ties.

Cohen was interviewed at the United Nations after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke of how a “new Middle East” is being created as more Arab countries establish diplomatic relations with Israel. Cohen noted that during his General Assembly address, Netanyahu had said that “a peace deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia also means peace between the Jewish people and the greater Muslim world.”

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