
Monday, October 16, 2023

Biden's Ominous Words, "...if Russia Invades Poland"

 There seems to be no shortage of headlines for the WARS AND RUMORS OF WAR file. 

- We can't afford to suspend aid to Ukraine, because if Russia then invades Poland, we would be at war - President of the USA, Joe Biden stated in an interview aired on CBS on Sunday. He also assessed that although Israel must "deal with Hamas", the occupation of the Gaza Strip would be a big mistake.

Here is something to keep in mind;  the Bible says Russia is going to be around in the very Last Days to put together a coalition with Iran and Turkey.  Currently the USA is threatening Russia and Iran.  We don't know of any threats it's making toward Turkey.  But we are telling Iran to "quit messing with Israel" and we are telling Russia, "quit messing with Ukraine and go home!"  

And yet USA isn't around to defend Israel when Russia and Iran get together.  So where the heck did America disappear to???

- Let's imagine what will happen. Let's say we withhold aid, Russia takes over Ukraine and enters Poland, or Belarus. Then we are at war. We, the United States, are at war - Biden said during a "60 Minutes" interview recorded on Friday for CBS television. He justified in this way the need for further support for Ukraine in face of increasing resistance from Congress.

- Have you ever heard of an important war in Europe that we were not dragged into? We don't want that to happen - he added.

When asked if America is capable of helping both Ukraine and Israel, while maintaining its combat readiness, Biden emphatically assured that it is possible.

- We are the United States of America, for heaven's sake! - He emphasized. - We are the most powerful nation in history - not in the world, in the history of the world. We can take care of both - he added.

The majority of the conversation was dedicated to the conflict in the Middle East and the Hamas attacks. Biden described them as "barbarities as consequential as the Holocaust" and stated that Israel must "get to it" and completely destroy Hamas - "a bunch of cowards who hide behind civilians".

He emphasized once again, how important it is to avoid civilian casualties and that the residents of Gaza have nothing to do with Hamas. He also warned Israel against attempting to occupy Gaza.

- I think that would be a huge mistake - he said. - Hamas and the extreme elements of Hamas do not represent all Palestinians - he pointed out.

When asked about the potential opening of a second front of conflict by the Lebanese Hezbollah in the north of Israel and its supporter, Iran, Biden said he has one message for them: "don't do it".

Here;  Biden's ominous words: 'If Russia invades Poland...' (

So can America defend Israel, send billions to Ukraine, threaten Iran AND defend Taiwan all at the same time?  Biden almost seems a bit like Nebuchadnezzar when he says "We are the USA for heaven's sake!  We are the most powerful nation in history-not in the world, in the history of the world!"

Pride always comes before the fall.

We will continue to look up, because we are seeing all these things come together for the first time in human history.  We hope you are too!

We hope it's the rapture that seals America's decline.  When the God-fearing are gone and only the woke-folks who aren't sure if they are men, women or if they should support Israel or Hamas...she will not be around to threaten Russia, Iran, Turkey or China and Israel will be all alone with only God to defend her. 

You sure can hear the hoof beats of Ezekiel 38!  What exciting and interesting times we live in!

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