
Friday, October 13, 2023

Lots of Watchers Seeing Isaiah 17 Come Into Focus

 We said it yesterday, but anytime we see Damascus and Israel in the same headline it should make us sit up and take notice.


Because of Isaiah 17.  I would encourage you to go read it if you aren't familiar with it.  Damascus will one day vanish into a heap of rubble and never be inhabited again.  That has never happened so clearly is a future prophecy and maybe going to happen very soon.

As soon as Israel sends troops into Gaza, a chain of events will begin which nobody is going to be able to control.  I believe that one of those events will be Hezbollah entering the conflict from the north.  

As I discussed yesterday, there is no way that Hezbollah is just going to sit there and watch Hamas get systematically wiped out by the IDF.  Hezbollah is already mobilizing their forces and making preparations to join the fight.  But if that happens, Israel is going to hit back extremely hard.  In fact, there are reports that Israel has already warned Hezbollah that if it enters the war the Israelis will "destroy Damascus"...

Ynet News :

"IDF will destroy Damascus, target Syrian President Assad if Hezbollah joins war; US warships will support Israel in war." - Message relayed via France

Unfortunately, this threat has not caused Hezbollah to back down and Israeli jets attacked and disabled the airports in Damascus and Aleppo today.  It is believed the airports were receiving arms shipments from Iran for local militia groups who are preparing to help Hezbollah.

Fox News is reporting that the Israelis are now "actively fighting a secondary front along Israel's northern border with Hezbollah in Lebanon"...

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus said Wednesday that the Israeli army shelled the Lebanese border town of Duhaira and the surrounding area where the missile attack came from. He also said Israel was actively fighting a secondary front along Israel's northern border with Hezbollah in Lebanon, in addition to the counteroffensive the IDF is launching in the Gaza Strip.

"We have deployed tens of thousands of additional units along the northern border," Conricus said, including infantry, special forces, armored forces, artillery, air forces, and "additional assets including intelligence and logistics."

Hezbollah has not formally entered the war yet.

But I think that will likely happen very quickly once Israel invades Gaza.

So could Israel actually turn Damascus into a pile or rubble?

Chapter 17 in the Book of Isaiah paints a sobering picture. In it, the city of Damascus is a pile of rubble. The Bible says it will disappear from the face of the earth and become a heap of ruins (Isaiah 17:1). 

At the same time, large parts of northern Israel will also lie in ruin (Isaiah 17:3). 

Now, before you say this prophecy was fulfilled during Old Testament times, keep this in mind... This passage says Damascus will cease to be a city (Isaiah 17:1). 

It will be utterly and completely destroyed. Yet, Damascus is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities on record. Its history goes back more than 5,000 years. At 2,600 years old, the Book of Isaiah itself is new compared to Damascus! This prophecy is yet to be fulfilled.

How interesting is it that Israel has threatened to do exactly what the Bible predicts - destroy Damascus.

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