Sunday, December 3, 2023

Printing Money to Solve Our Problems

 I know we sound like a broken record but we all need to realize that America is not going to remain the leader of the world if we don’t change course quickly.  We are at that point in the collapse of nations where we have no choice but to keep printing money to pay the interest on our debts.  With every dollar we print we devalue the currency that’s already out there.  And that leads to more inflation.  Have we heard any serious politician talk about massive cutting of spending?  No.  Why?  Because they would never get elected.  We have a majority of voters who think the government should be spending more on free healthcare, free college and all kinds of other free programs.  Keep your joy focused on the Lord because our lives in America could change very quickly.


"I hate to say this because, you know I love America, but America is in serious trouble financially because of the debt load," Rich Dad Company co-founder Robert Kiyosak said during his appearance on "Cavuto: Coast to Coast" Thursday.

"I think the biggest problem, Neil, is we have the Three Stooges, you know, one in the presidency, one in the Treasury and one at the Fed," he continued when discussing his outlook on the country’s economic standing.

"America is broke right now," Kiyosaki told host Neil Cavuto.

In September, U.S. national debt topped $33 trillion for the first time ever, crossing a critical milestone at a time when government spending is already under scrutiny.

"All you do is look at history. Every time they printed money, the empire went down," he stressed. 

Kiyosaki went on to say that the government will continue printing money to pay for the country’s rising debt unless they "cut back on entitlements or the military."


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