
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Atheist Homo Warns That Trump Could Derail Global Order

If you aren’t familiar with Klaus Schwab right hand man, Yuval Noah Harari, you should be.  These folks are literally doing Satan’s work of preparing the world for the Antichrist and Great Tribulation.


A highly influential figure with Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF) has proposed that should Donald Trump regain the presidency of the United States in this election year it would likely deal a “death blow to what remains of the global order.”

 Yuval Noah Harari, a 47-year-old homosexual atheist Jew, is a transhumanist philosopher and popular author. He lectures at Hebrew University in Jerusalem while also serving as one of Schwab’s closest confidants in the globalist WEF. He raised eyebrows in August 2022 when he disturbingly remarked that the world no longer needs the “vast majority” of “useless” workers who will be displaced by technological advances. He has also remarked that “humans” are no longer“mysterious souls” but merely “hackable animals.”

In a January 11 interview, Steven Bartlett, British host of the YouTube channel The Diary of a CEO, asked Harari, “Are you concerned that Trump might be elected again?”

“I think it’s very likely,” he mourned. “And if it happens, it is likely to be a kind of deathblow to what remains of the global order. And he [Trump] says it openly.”

Harari continued proposing that populist politicians these days present a “false dichotomy” between patriotism and globalism.

“By now it should be clear that many of these politicians present a false dichotomy, a false binary vision of the world, as if you have to choose between patriotism and globalism, between being loyal to your nation and being loyal to some kind of other global government or whatever. And this is completely false.”

Summarizing the goals of the WEF, LifeSite president Steve Jalsevac said the organization is “completely committed to utterly changing the entire world governance system and removing all borders, cultures and customs and [establishing] just one world order, run by business and government working together.”


  1. Last December while attending a pre-trib. Conference Hararis name came up several times. Satan is not aware of the day or the hour, therefore throughout history he has always had a man ready to fill the shoes so to speak ,of the anti christ, the false prophet etc. it seems we don't have to look far to find such men in this day and age. Even so come quickly Lord Jesus!

  2. I believe you are correct that Satan always has a man in the wings ready to take the role of Antichrist.
