
Thursday, January 18, 2024

Eye Popping Interest Payments on Federal Debt

 The problem is going to harder and harder to hide.  We take in $4.4 trillion in Federal taxes and yet the Govt spent almost 50% more than it took in.  Also the interest payments alone are eating up 20% of that $4.4 trillion.  And yet the politicians still want to talk about giving everyone more free stuff.  

Remember that the investors of the world will start to demand a higher interest rate if they are going to continue to buy US debt.  What if this rate goes from 4% last year to 8% this year and we go from $659 billion to $1.3 trillion in interest payments?  Do you think the expenses of the US government are going down?  Did your expenses go down last year? 

All of this debt and spending is simply unsustainable.  When it reaches a certain point investors will lose FAITH and CONFIDENCE in the US Government and the entire system will collapse.  We hope the soon rapture is the trigger.


Interest payments on the United State’s national debt have risen sharply in recent years and remain on track to continue increasing. Net interest payments on the national debt hit a whopping $659 billion in fiscal year 2023, marking a massive 39% jump from 2022, when the government paid $475 billion in interest on the national debt.

The comparison signifies that increased taxation suggested by Democrats isn’t a viable path towards erasing the national debt, especially as interest payments pile up. The United States collected $4.4 trillion in federal taxes in fiscal year 2023, up from $4.19 trillion in fiscal year 2022, yet the debt increased by more than $2 trillion.

The debt interest payments continued to spike in October 2023, the first month of fiscal year 2024, when the government paid $76 billion on the national debt interest. The figure marked a shocking 77% increase from October 2022 when the government paid $43 billion on the interest.

Interest payments on the national debt are poised to reach an astonishing $1.4 trillion in just under a decade in fiscal year 2033, surging even higher to a projected $5.4 trillion in fiscal year 2053.

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