
Thursday, January 4, 2024

Iran Hit By Terrorist Attack from ISIS

 It's kind of ironic to read a story about how Iran was attacked by terrorists.  Here we have the biggest global supporter of terrorism actually hit by terrorists.  About 100 people were killed while commemorating the death of the Iranian General that Trump ordered assassinated because he had been involved in the killing of countless US Servicemen.

While we don't believe in Karma we do believe in "sew the wind and reap the whirlwind."

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the deadly twin blasts near the burial site of slain military commander Qasem Soleimani in southern Iran.

At least 84 people were killed and 284 injured in the blasts on Wednesday, state-run news agency IRNA reported, in what was the deadliest attack in Iran since its 1979 revolution.

ISIS media wing Al-Furqan issued a statement on Thursday – more than 24 hours after the explosions – claiming two suicide bombers had detonated their explosive vests as Shiite mourners gathered for the fourth anniversary of the assassination of Soleimani near his grave in his hometown of Kerman.

The statement, titled “And Kill Them Wherever You Find Them,” named the two bombers and said they targeted a gathering of “polytheists” near the grave of their “dead leader” Soleimani.

ISIS considers the Shia branch of Islam to be heretical and has targeted shrines and religious sites in Iran previously.

The group offered no further proof and their account of the blasts differ from that given by Iranian media. The death toll provided by ISIS was also significantly higher than that reported by Iranian officials.

Iran did not immediately comment on ISIS’ claim of responsibility.

Accusations flew in the time between the blasts and ISIS’ statement. Iran’s President Ebhrahim Raisi blamed Israel for the explosions and warned it would pay a “heavy price.” The Israeli military told CNN it had “no comment” on the matter.

Prior to ISIS’ statement, analysts and a US official had speculated that the blast had the hallmarks of a terror attack.

“It does look like a terrorist attack, the type of thing we’ve seen ISIS do in the past. And as far as we’re aware, that’s kind of I think our going assumption at the moment,” the official said.

Soleimani, formerly one of Iran’s most powerful men, was killed by a US airstrike ordered by former President Donald Trump at Baghdad International Airport on January 3, 2020.

Known as Iran’s “shadow commander,” he was head of the Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force, an elite unit that handles Iran’s overseas operations and was deemed to be a foreign terrorist organization by the US. He masterminded Iranian military operations in Iraq and Syria.

Here;  ISIS claims responsibility for deadliest attack in Iran since 1979 revolution | CNN

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