
Friday, January 5, 2024

Demons Disguised as Aliens

 If you haven’t seen pastor Billy Krone explain how the “aliens” everyone is talking about are really just demons disguised as aliens, here’s another short video.  Pastor Billy came out of the occult and when Jesus saved him he had a unique position to look back at what the occult was teaching and see how Satan was directing it all.  Of course we believe this deception that now the governments are involved in, is one more sign of the nearness of the return of Christ.  We are 100% sure that Satan and Antichrist will use “aliens” to help explain how millions went missing at the rapture.


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Did you see the report of what happened at a mall in Miami recently? Over 100 police cars were called to the mall to "Combat 10 foot tall alien Creatures/beings that appeared and disappeared at will. Of course this report has all but been scrubbed or scoffed at by any major news outlets. What I have wondered now for (really) years, is how can the Church still be here, to witness such a Tsunami/Convergence, of the VERY END TIME SIGNS. It seems we should have been removed by now? Many who are watching; use the analogy of a child with thier face pressed hard against the window eagerly awaiting the return of a longed for parent. I think that many believers are acquiring a STRONG kink in the neck, as the wait has seemed to be so extended! Titus 2 v 13!! MARANATHA! RON Garbe

  2. Hi Ron, I did see that report out of Miami. I’ve never seen such a massive police presence respond to an incident. Something bigger than some kids fighting must have summoned such a response.
    I’m not sure why we are still here except that God’s mercy and patience is holding everything together that last person written in the Lambs Book comes in. The cup of sin must not be totally full yet.
    How much longer can we go on this trajectory? We know it can’t continue too much longer. Everything is certainly in place for the 70th Week of Daniel unlike any generation in the past 2000 years.
    All I can say is that for many of us, the things of this world are starting to go strangely dim...just like the old hymn says.
    Hope to meet you in the clouds very soon! Until then we just stay busy doing the Lords work as best we can.
