
Monday, January 8, 2024

Solar Eclipse Coming April 8

I’ll let you click the link and read the entire article if you’re interested.  But 15 yrs ago when I started blogging I wrote quite a few times about the New Madrid fault. The fault is in Missouri and the last time it broke open it produced the largest quakes in US history.  Turns out that this massive solar eclipse coming in April when combined with another eclipse from 2017, their paths produce an X that intersects right over New Madrid.  Maybe it’s just a coincidence?  Or maybe the X across America is a sign to the heavenly Watchers that America has been marked for destruction.  We hope the rapture happens before.


 #10 If you just put the path of the Great American Eclipse of 2024 and the path of the Great American Eclipse of 2017 on a map, they combine to form a giant paleo-Hebrew “Tav” over America…

#11 The heart of the paleo-Hebrew “Tav” forms a giant “X” that falls directly over the New Madrid fault zone.

#12 One of my readers pointed out to me that we have seen a giant “X” like this before.  The path of a solar eclipse that occurred on June 16th, 1806 combined with the path of a solar eclipse that occurred on September 17th, 1811 to also form a giant “X” over the New Madrid fault zone.

#13 Three months after the solar eclipse that happened on September 17th, 1811, a series of absolutely enormous earthquakes began to happen on the New Madrid fault

The New Madrid earthquakes were the biggest earthquakes in American history. They occurred in the central Mississippi Valley, but were felt as far away as New York City, Boston, Montreal, and Washington D.C. President James Madison and his wife Dolly felt them in the White House. Church bells rang in Boston. From December 16, 1811 through March of 1812 there were over 2,000 earthquakes in the central Midwest, and between 6,000-10,000 earthquakes in the Bootheel of Missouri where New Madrid is located near the junction of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers.

In the known history of the world, no other earthquakes have lasted so long or produced so much evidence of damage as the New Madrid earthquakes. Three of the earthquakes are on the list of America’s top earthquakes: the first one on December 16, 1811, a magnitude of 8.1 on the Richter scale; the second on January 23, 1812, at 7.8; and the third on February 7, 1812, at as much as 8.8 magnitude.

#14 The next total solar eclipse visible from the United States will not happen until 2044, and the path of that total solar eclipse will only touch three states.

I believe that the Great American Eclipse of 2024 is a really big deal, and so I put it on the cover of my new book.

Others may disagree with me, and that is okay.

I don’t know anyone that agrees with me 100 percent of the time.

But what everyone should be able to agree on is that 2024 is going to be quite a crazy year.

So far this year, we have already seen a historic earthquake in Japan, a major escalation of the conflict in Ukraine and an assassination which could take the war in the Middle East to an entirely new level.

Each day is going to bring more new surprises, and I expect things to get really wild as we get closer to the election in November.

So buckle up and hold on tight, because chaos is here and it isn’t going away any time soon.

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