Monday, February 19, 2024

America is Right on the Edge of Christian Invisibility

One of the biggest lies sold to us by books, movies and stories we’ve all seen and heard thousands of times is “just follow your heart”.  Of course this lie actually comes from the pit of hell.  The Bible is very clear that the human heart is wicked.  All of us are capable of doing atrocious things if we follow our hearts.


 Americans are rejecting God and following their hearts to destruction and emptiness.

A sobering conclusion to a brand-new study is that it appears America “is on the precipice of Christian invisibility.” The new study from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University reveals the five core beliefs rejected by 8- to-12-year-olds are: the Bible, absolute truth, means to salvation, the purpose of life, and success.

Director of Research, Dr. George Barna, states “children are following in the unfortunate spiritual footsteps of the generations that have preceded them,” and this trajectory leads to the total abandonment of biblical Christianity in record numbers.

In a discussion about a strong biblical faith in God and His Word, a recent guest on Worldview Matters profoundly stated you cannot give away what you do not possess. Research continues to show a decreasing percentage of Americans embracing the biblical worldview, including only 2 percent of parents of young children today.

What then, are they teaching and modeling for their children? Secularism, moral relativism, atheism, or religious pluralism.

Sadly, since God has basically been removed from our culture and government, how can the nation remain truly free and maintain individual rights?

Author and Washington Times editor, Cheryl Chumley commented on this new research due to the fact our rights and liberties come from God, and government serves only to protect those individual freedoms and rights. She concludes from this study that by removing God, America will instead get …” government granted; government disbursed; government redistributed — government of Marxism and communism.”

Chumley adds:

“Without a biblical worldview, [we] become subject to the ever-changing human definitions of right and wrong, good and bad, moral and immoral. …mob rule becomes the governing force. Those with the loudest voice, biggest platforms, most powerful or powerfully persuasive means of imposing will are the dictators of law and order.”


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