
Sunday, March 10, 2024

Anyone Talking About a Palestinian State Must be Brain Dead

 Rewarding the Arabs who just carried out the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust and is still holding hostages, has to be about the stupidest thing someone could say right now…but that’s exactly what Biden and the Democrats are all suggesting.  Biden was brain dead enough to say so during his State of the Union.  Why would Israel agree to have another nation run by Muslims, sworn to their destruction, sitting right on their border?


In 2005, Israel unilaterally withdrew 8,500 Jewish residents and all military infrastructure in the Gaza Strip.

The Strip, the control of which was handed over to the PA, was the pilot project for an independent Palestinian entity. Within two years, control of the Strip was wrestled away by Hamas. Since then, Israel has suffered countless attacks, including the firing of more than 50,000 rockets at Israel, the building of a 500-mile-long underground terror tunnel infrastructure, the kidnapping of Israeli citizens, and the worst massacre in Israel’s history on Oct. 7.

The massacre proved Israeli fears correct—that an independent Palestinian state would be a launchpad for continuous terror and an existential threat to the Jewish state. And yet the international community is now doubling down on calls for Palestinian statehood, regardless of the Palestinians’ inability to deliver Israel peace in exchange for the land it seeks.

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