
Monday, March 11, 2024

NPR Article Mentions Rebuilding 3rd Temple

 The most Holy piece of land on earth is under a microscope again.  Solomon built his temple there.  After the Babylonian exile the Temple was rebuilt so could be called the Second Temple or most call it Herod’s Temple.  This would have been the temple in place when Jesus was on earth.  And now the Muslims might start freaking out as they realize there will be a 3rd Temple.  How it gets built, whether or not the Antichrist is involved, whether or not the Dome of the Rock will stand next to it…nobody knows!  But how interesting that an NPR article mentions “building the third temple”.


Last week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said Israel would allow access to Al-Aqsa as it had in previous years – when nearly everyone was allowed – at least for the first week. Each following week during the month-long holiday would be assessed afterward, Netanyahu's office said, overruling the far-right minister of national security Itamar Ben-Gvir, who advocated for a near blanket ban, including on Muslims with Israeli citizenship.

The Jerusalem district command for the Israel police did not respond to NPR's request for comment.

The compound, which Muslims refer to as Al Haram Al Sharif, is made up of the iconic Dome of The Rock, the Al-Aqsa mosque – with the smaller gray dome, museums and other institutions – and is on a site that is holy to both Muslims and Jews, who know it as the Temple Mount, where the ancient temple stood 2,000 years ago.

As part of a longstanding agreement aimed at maintaining religious balance since Israel captured the old city from Jordan in 1967, Muslims pray at Al-Aqsa, while Jews pray at the Western Wall, the base of the ancient second temple. But a growing movement of ultra-Orthodox and ultra-nationalist Jews have been going to the compound to pray, accompanied by Israeli police. A small but increasingly vocal group talks about building the third temple where the Dome of the Rock currently stands.

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