
Wednesday, March 13, 2024

If Trump Wins, Expect Attacks Against Christians to Skyrocket

Folks on the Left may believe they are the peaceful protesters but in reality they are the ones who go bat-crap crazy at the slightest reason when they feel offended.  They believe that Christians are Trump’s most ardent supporters, and maybe they are, and that if Trump wins it will be the Christian’s fault.  They believe that a Trump election will spell the end of American democracy and they are being prepped to not accept it.  Attacks on churches are already way up in the past 5 years and we could expect them to skyrocket if Trump wins.  Don’t be surprised when people hate you.  They hated Jesus first.  But Jesus, this is America!  Founded by God-fearing people!!  Yep, and how quickly folks forget.  Once peace, safety and wealth come our way…who needs God?


As I have warned my readers numerous times, we are entering the most chaotic election season in U.S. history.

The Lincoln Project is already releasing ominous videos warning that Trump will become a dictator, and hordes of liberal pundits are breathlessly telling us that another Trump presidency will be the end of America as we know it today.

There are millions of leftists that are deeply internalizing this messaging, and if Trump wins they will be ready for action.

A recent New York Post article explained that if Trump is able to get back into the White House "some portion of the left will convince itself that only a color revolution can save the country"...

And if Trump emerges victorious and the alleged dictatorship is underway in earnest?

Certainly, the reaction will make the pro-Hamas protests that have roiled college campuses and disrupted transportation nodes around the country look small-scale by comparison.

If the republic is supposedly on the verge of falling, extralegal means of resistance are justified.

At least some portion of the left will convince itself that only a color revolution can save the country.

I wish that I could tell you that such claims are exaggerated.

But the truth is that leftists are already buzzing about a "revolution" all over social media.

And politicians on the left are certainly not helping matters.  For example, Bernie Sanders insists that another Trump presidency will mean "the collapse of American democracy"...

A second Trump presidency would be much more extreme than the first. "He's made that clear," says Sanders. "There's a lot of personal bitterness, he's a bitter man, having gone through four indictments, humiliated, he's going to take it out on his enemies. We've got to explain to the American people what that means to them - what the collapse of American democracy will mean to all of us."

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