
Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Putin Threatens Nukes Again

 Why bother having weapons unless you are prepared to use them, says Putin.  We learned yesterday that China has built tunnels to survive a nuclear exchange.  America will not be able to keep sending all our missiles, tanks and bullets to Ukraine forever and still have enough left for ourselves to fight China when they invade Taiwan.  

I know some of my readers believe that all of this news is pointing to their belief that God is soon going to spark a massive Jesus revival in America.  I agree that God can do anything He wants when He wants.  But I also know that Jesus said the world will be as it was in the days of Noah before He returns, and those days were marked by violence, evil and outright rejection of God by virtually everyone.  Those days did not lead to revival but to judgment.  I believe that’s where we are.  That’s also why I believe we should not be surprised if Jesus comes quickly to catch away His bride.


President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday that Russia's nuclear triad — its three-pronged arsenal of weapons launched from land, sea and air — was "much more" advanced than that of the United States. 

"Our triad, the nuclear triad, it is more modern than any other triad. Only we and the Americans actually have such triads. And we have advanced much more here," Putin said in an interview on state TV.

Putin's nuclear war rhetoric

Putin said Moscow's nuclear weapons are fully ready and "from the military-technical viewpoint, we're prepared" to use them in case there's a threat to "the existence of the Russian state, our sovereignty and independence," according to The Associated Press.

The tough talk comes before a presidential election this week that Putin is almost assured of winning to give him another six-year term.

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