Tuesday, March 19, 2024

What is Happening in Haiti Will Come Here Too

 We read a quote today about how democratic societies actually collapse;  It starts gradually and then happens suddenly.

It’s hard to see the headlines about millions of illegals flooding over our borders and wonder how this is all going to end?  Even sanctuary cities are admitting that their social services are being swamped.  They simply can’t handle thousands more people coming with no jobs, no food, no money and no place to live.  And yet thousands keep coming every day!

And now we read of that crap hole called Haiti that has descended into a hellish existence again.  And where do you think the hundreds of thousands of miserable Haitians might hope to get on a boat and flee to?

It’s hard to be optimistic about a nation’s future when only a very small percentage of its populace fear the Lord and reject the Son.  Come Lord Jesus!


The kind of rampant civil unrest that has thrown Haiti into turmoil will happen in the United States and other wealthy western nations too.  At this point, it is just a matter of time.  Here in the United States, we have been adding millions upon millions of extremely desperate people on top of the millions upon millions of extremely desperate people that we already had.  Politicians in major cities such as New York and Chicago openly admit that they can’t possibly take any more migrants because the social services available for them have been completely overwhelmed, but more migrants just keep coming anyway.  We are creating an extremely explosive environment, and the pressure that is coming in 2024 and beyond could push things over the edge.



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