
Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Iran Warns Israel From Damascus

 Today we see an impressive prophetic article.  We have Iran threatening Israel (Ezekiel 38) from their proxy city of Damascus. (Isaiah 17).  Israel will never be totally destroyed but Damascus will become a heap of rubble and Iran will feel the wrath of God when they join Russia and Turkey and devise an evil plan to destroy Israel.  The world simply can’t stay on this path too much longer.  The rapture has to be close and the Tribulation will follow close on those heels.


In a message to Israel, Iran sent its foreign minister, Hossein Amirabdollahian, to Damascus on Monday, a week after an airstrike in the city struck a building adjoining its consulate, killing senior Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps commander Mohammad Reza Zahedi. Iran has vowed revenge on Israel, accusing it of the strike.

Amirabdollahian pledging to continue support for the Syrian regime showcases that Iran is not intimidated. He met with his counterpart and other officials at the Iranian embassy and said that “the security of Syria is the security of the region, and these atrocities and crimes will not have any effect on the survival of Netanyahu and his regime,” according to Iran’s Tasnim News. He paid tribute to the Syrian and “Iranian martyrs” during his visit and also slammed Israel.

Tasnim said that he “also explained the efforts and diplomatic, legal and international measures of Iran in response to the crime of the Zionist regime in Damascus. He said: ‘We emphasized the responsibility of the American government as a full-fledged supporter of the Zionist regime to the authorities of this country through appropriate diplomatic channels, as well. We made all the countries of the world aware of the Zionist regime’s crossing of all red lines and violation of laws, treaties, and international laws.’”

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