
Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Islamic Takeover of Germany

The Muslims aren’t taking over nations by force.  They are taking them over by mass immigration.  The Muslims moving to Germany have no intentions of becoming Germans.  The Muslims moving to England have no intention of co-mingling with their English neighbors.  The Muslims in Michigan demand “death to America”.  The Muslims in Minneapolis demand Call to Prayer be broadcast from speakers all over the city and their demands were honored.  Islam is not just a false religion that leads people far, far from Christ, but a political system that demands Sharia law and that all non-Muslims surrender to their system.


In an investigation titled “The Cities that ‘Surrender’ to Violent Islam,” Italian news program Fuori dal coro journeyed to Germany to delve into the Islamification of the country. This troubling report exposes the realities of Islamic migration and its profound impact on German society.

From the streets of Cologne, once the bastion of Catholicism, to the mosques funded by Islamic organizations like DITIB (The Turkish Islamic Union for Religious Affairs), viewers are confronted with the undeniable transformationunderway. With a third of German Muslims calling Cologne home and the influence of foreign-backed Islamic associations on the rise, the report reveals the depth of this cultural shift. Some two-thirds of Germany’s 5.6 million Muslims are of Turkish origin, making them the largest Turkish community outside Turkey and Germany’s largest immigrant group.

DITIB is more than a religious organization; it is an arm of the Turkish state, controlling over 900 mosques in Germany. The charter of DITIB explicitly states its linkage to the Turkish government’s Directorate of Religious Affairs, Diyanet. Diyanet, answering directly to Turkish President Erdoğan, is not just a religious body but also a political tool. It employs imams, writes sermons, issues fatwas and sets theological guidelines for the messages preached in its German mosques.

The influence of Diyanet in Germany extends beyond religious teachings. Turkish imams sent by Diyanet to DITIB mosques actively discourage assimilation into European culture and promote Erdoğan’s political agenda. Erdoğan himself, during visits to Cologne, Germany, has repeatedly urged Turkish immigrants not to assimilate, labeling such assimilation as a “crime against humanity.” Erdoğan’s DITIB imams have been caught reporting dissidents to Turkey’s Embassy in Germany. He envisions the Turkish community in Germany as part of a broader global Muslim community, the Ummah, remaining loyal to Turkey.

Against a backdrop of dwindling Christian populations and the rise of radical Islamic preachers, the report unearths the unsettling truth behind the Islamification narrative. From the enforcement of Sharia law by self-appointed patrols to the specter of mass Islamic sexual assaults by Arab migrants, the report paints a chilling picture of a society in dangerous turmoil.

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