
Monday, April 15, 2024

Iranians Bracing for Possible Israeli Response

 While some Iranians are celebrating their attempt to strike Israel over the weekend, others are fearful that Israel is going to strike back.  They are preparing by filling their cars with gas and grabbing all they can at grocery stores.

Also notice that Iran notified Turkey of their plans to attack Israel.  So the Ezekiel 38 coalition continues to draw closer.

Hundreds of people gathered in Tehran's Palestine Square, waving Iranian and Palestinian national flags and shouting anti-Israel slogans on Sunday.

Some demonstrators said the attack on the IRGC military facility in Damascus, Syria was a violation of Iran's national sovereignty. 

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) released statements claiming it had launched "tens of missile and drones" and "successfully hit and destroyed" important Israeli military targets. 

The IRGC said the launches came in response to "numerous Israeli crimes." It also warned that any threat by the United States and Israel, or from any other country, would receive a "reciprocal and proportionate response” from Iran. 

One demonstrator, who was identified only by his first name, Reza, said, “Iran is a powerful and independent country. We will never allow anyone to violate Iranian territory. Any enemy contemplating aggression against Iran will meet the same fate as Israel.” 

Meanwhile, in the Iranian parliament, video showed the parliament members and government officials cheering as the reports of launches against Israel were reported. 

The Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the UN claimed: “Iran’s military action was in response to the Zionist regime’s aggression against our diplomatic premises in Damascus. The matter can be deemed concluded.” 

It also warned the United States against interfering. 

“However, if the Israeli regime makes a mistake, Iran will respond much more severely. This is a struggle between Iran and the criminal Israeli regime. The United States must not interfere.”

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi warned: “If the Zionist regime or its supporters demonstrate reckless behavior, they will receive a decisive and much stronger response.” 

However, not all Iranians appear to be as joyful as those demonstrating in support of the strikes on Israel. 

Videos posted to social media early Sunday reportedly showed long lines of cars at several gas stations waiting to fuel up, as Iranians brace for a possible Israeli retaliation. Some lines allegedly stretched for over one kilometer (over half a mile).

Here;  While some in Iran celebrate, others bracing for possible Israeli response | All Israel News

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