
Monday, April 15, 2024

US Dollar “Going to Zero” by 2030

 Will the dollar collapse and go to zero value in next 6 years?  Maybe.  If the rapture happens and millions of Americans vanish we would almost guarantee it will collapse.  But how about if the Lord tarries?  Could it still collapse?  Yes.  When paper money is based on faith and confidence in a government, and that government is totally divided and can’t agree on anything, and they keep spending trillions more than they take in and investors start to realize that they might not get paid back the $34 trillion they are owed…it can collapse suddenly.

Please note that this dude is pointing at 2030.  Do you know how many things/events are pointed at 2030?


Now, as the bitcoin halving supply cut is set to cause price chaos, legendary bitcoin billionaire Tim Draper has issued a "cataclysmic" U.S. dollar prediction—warning the dollar will collapse by 2030.

"I hope anybody who's watching this is trying to at least have some bitcoin so that they can feed their family during the time when the dollar goes to zero."

Draper predicted the U.S. dollar will go the way of the Confederate dollar after the U.S. civil war, eventually becoming "completely worthless" and triggering bank runs.

"There will be a moment in time, and I don't know whether it's a day or a month or maybe over the course of two months or something, but I don't know when it will start, whether it'll be a year or five years or whatever, maybe even ten years out," Draper said. "But it'll happen very rapidly."

Meanwhile, the looming bitcoin halving—currently scheduled for April 20 and bitcoin's fourth such supply cut that will see the number of new bitcoin issued to so-called miners who maintain the network fall to 3.125 bitcoin from 6.25 currently—could push the bitcoin price higher.

"If you’re an investor in the stock market, they say don’t bet against the Fed," Draper said. "If you’re a bitcoin buyer, don’t bet against the halving. It changes everything. The supply shrinks, the demand increases and the price goes up. That’s natural economics, supply and demand," Draper said, adding "we could see $250,000 by the end of the year"—something that would give bitcoin a market capitalization of $5 trillion.

Fears over the future of the U.S. dollar have been swirling as U.S. debt recently hit $34 trillion and is predicted to add another $1 trillion every 100 days, according to Bank of America analysts who predicted bitcoin is set for a "blowout year" as a result.

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