Saturday, May 25, 2024

Dogs and Pigs Eating Dead Bodies in Haiti

 Haiti has been a wreck since the nation began, but it now sounds like a vision of hell on earth.  It’s been told to me by a Haitian man that one of their leaders sold the nation’s soul to Satan in exchange for independence from France.  This happened in the late 1700’s and note what Wikipedia says about “a secret ceremony in the woods” with a priestess.  We are guessing some type of voodoo demons were involved and Haiti has been a hell-hole ever since.

From Wikipedia;

On the night of August 14, 1791, representative slaves from nearby plantations of Le Cap gathered to participate in a secret ceremony conducted in the woods in the French colony of Saint-Domingue, during the ceremony Dutty Boukman and priestess Cécile Fatiman prophesied that Georges BiassouJeannotJean-François Papillon would lead the revolution, months later they killed the plantation owners to whom they were enslaved.[11]


A horrific gang war has been raging in the capital, Port-au-Prince, for months with more than 2,500 people killed so far.

Now victims are being left to decay on the roads with some never seen again and others falling victim to the island's animals, the LA Timesreports. 

One thug army, led by warlord "Barbecue", has taken over the ravaged city in what could be the beginnings of a bloody coup.

Jimmy “Barbecue” Chérizier, leader of Haiti's most powerful gang alliance, has been ordering his cronies to "burn every house you find".

Officials believe 80 per cent of the city is now controlled by some six different violent gangs.

The UN is sending out a special police unit from Kenya to help quell the destruction and chaos on the Caribbean island.

Today a US politician, Republican Ben Baker, announced that his daughter and son-in-law had been killed in the ravaged city.

He said his daughter Natalie and her partner Davy were working as full-time missionaries.


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