Tuesday, May 14, 2024

U of Minnesota Rewards Protestors, Holds Hearings on Divestment from Israel

 Leave it to Blue-State-Liberal Minnesota to make the headlines on leading the charge of Israel hatred and antisemitism. 

Before a student presentation at Friday’s board meeting of the University of Minnesota regents, the chair reminded the crowd, “Our role as a university is to educate, support and create forums for constructive dialogue and mutual understanding.”

Minutes later, dialogue commenced on one of the most inflammatory issues facing universities across the country: whether they should divest from Israel.

“An educational institution should not be funding crimes against humanity,” a speaker identified as Lucia Santos Stern — who self-identified as an “Afro-Caribbean Jewish student” — told the board. Stern was the sole Jewish representative among the four speakers from the UMN Divest Coalition, and insisted that “anti-Zionist Jewish student leaders” should be involved in any divestment discussions. Representatives of Hillel then took the floor.

Following the divestment coalition’s presentation, which also included a representative from Students for Justice in Palestine, one regent thanked them “for being here and for the work that you’re doing and for being brave and courageous.”

Board chair Janie Mayeron told them, “We have heard your message loud and clear.”

Minnesota appears to be the first US school with a major Jewish population to hold a debate on divestment in response to the demands of students protesting Israel’s conduct in the war in Gaza. That debate has raged on quads, in student newspapers and at student government meetings for years.

Now, in Minnesota, it had been brought directly to the group with the power to adjudicate such a request: the school’s regents. The meeting served as a preview of the direction such divestment discussions could soon take at other schools — a direction mainstream Jewish groups find deeply concerning.

“The University’s capitulation sends a message that students who violate UofM policy, openly celebrate violence, and shut down campus are rewarded with time before the Regents and ‘regular meetings moving forward’ with the President’s office,” the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota & the Dakotas said in an earlier statement condemning the Minnesota agreement. “By contrast, students targeted by antisemitism are apparently supposed to suffer silently, while their University appeases those very same activists who demonize Jews and Israelis.”

Here;  University of Minnesota rewards protesters, holding hearing on Israel divestment | Israel National News - Arutz Sheva

Where are all these woke students when Muslim nations violate women's rights every single day?


Where are all these self-righteous justice warriors when Muslims target and kill Christians?


Do these students realize that Palestinians support the execution of gays and transgenders?

Of course not...

As so many of us have pointed out...we are now living in a clown world where delusion and confusion are the norm.


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