
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

12 "Uncomfortable 'Truths' About Christianity"

 I turned on my laptop this morning and opened a new tab on Microsoft Start.  Right on the first page was an article titled "12 Uncomfortable Truths About Christianity", so of course had to take a look to see what the liberals and atheists running Microsoft were going to tell me about TRUTH and also about Christianity.  So lets see what they had to say and how much blasphemy they can muster in one article!

Christianity Can’t Solve the World’s Problems

In addition to Christianity not solving all personal problems, it also can’t solve the world’s problems. It doesn’t cure diseases or eliminate poverty. No religion does. Instead, it offers hope and guidance during difficult times. It teaches love and encourages serving others. But it doesn’t promise there won’t be any loss or suffering.

OK...I can live with that.  Christianity won't solve poverty because the poor will always be with us and suffering will always be on earth because sin is on earth.

Christianity is Not for Everyone

Christianity may be taught as the only path. Still, hundreds of religions exist, many of which talk about a similar god. So, for one, it’s not the only way to God. And the Christian God is also not the only God out there. Some people find peace and contentment with Christianity and its God; others choose a different path that brings them peace.

And here we go!!  Blasphemy right on slide #2! Christianity isn't the only way to God!  Lots of gods and lots of ways to them all!  So who is the writer of this who is denying Jesus' words, "I am the way...NO MAN COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH ME!"

Christianity Isn’t Always Fair

Again, Christianity is not perfect and it’s only sometimes fair. We live in a fallen world, and evil and sin are part of it. It’s also only sometimes predictable. Prayer only seems to work part of the time, and it’s hard to understand why things happen when we believe in a God like the Christian God.

So Mr MSN has concluded that "Prayer only seems to work part of the time..."  I understand what he's saying in that "I prayed for my mom to be healed from cancer and she was!" vs. "I prayed for my mom to be healed from cancer and she just died."  But that's not HOW prayer works.  Prayer seeks to align us with God's will and isn't just a Genie in a bottle who SHOULD give us all we ask for.  Also, WHO is Mr MSN to say what's "fair" and what's not?

History of Violence

From the Crusades to the Inquisition, Christianity has been responsible for a wide range of violence throughout history. Much of it has to do with oppression against other religions. Christians were also the ones who were responsible for the witch trials–and not just in Salem, the UK also had its fair share of trials.

Ohhhh!  Those dreaded Crusades and the witch trials!!  Give me a break!   First off, just because some dude torturing a woman says "I'm a Christian!" doesn't mean he is.  Second off a total of 19 people were hanged after being accused of something in 1692.  We can't say whether followers of Christ were involved in ordering the killings or not?  Islam kills more people before 9 am every would LOVE to see Mr MSN do a follow up story on the "Uncomfortable Truths About ISLAM!"...but we won't hold our breath.

Christianity Isn’t Perfect

Despite what Christians are often taught, Christianity was created by man and, therefore, is not a perfect religion. It’s full of people who have made mistakes, and it has a lot of controversial aspects. The Bible is constantly being reinterpreted to adapt to different ideas. And it’s often used to justify harmful behavior, such as sexism and judging others.

Yes!!  Mr MSN says the Bible is constantly being redone to adapt to different ideas!  And it's often used to justify harmful behaviors like sexism and judging!  How does Mr MSN get to decide what is "harmful" if HE'S not judging??  However he is correct in saying it's not a perfect religion because Christianity isn't a religion.

I'll let you click through the rest.  It's a good exercise in discernment and also might prepare you for witnessing to your friends and neighbors.

Here;  12 Uncomfortable Truths About Christianity That People Aren't Ready to Hear (

Also, if you get a chance to read all the comments on this article you will get an idea of just how divided our nation actually is.  "Do you think I came to bring peace to the world??  No!!  I bring a sword to divide families and friends!"  (paraphrase of Jesus)  Yep that is true!  Those who accept Jesus are very divided from those who reject Jesus.

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