
Monday, June 3, 2024

Are We There Yet?

 Many, many of us have been watching for Jesus’ return for many years.  And yet events just get more amazing and more prophetic every year.  How much longer Jesus?

For those of us who have raised children, you might remember the question. There was a commercial, as I recall, that used the question to emphasize one product or the other in a humorous way.

Children in the back seat of the car in the commercial kept asking, “Are we there yet?”

We who transported our young kids on those times – especially on longer trips to Grandmas or other destinations – have heard that question, often in whining tones as time went on. I certainly remember hearing it. And I’m sure my parents heard it on those long trips from Pekin, Illinois, where we lived when I was a child, on the road to Hampton, my grandparent’s home in south Arkansas.

At this late moment of this Church Age I, myself, seem to be whining this question, and I’m hearing it from others on a growing basis.

“Are we there yet?”

It is coming from God’s children – believers in Jesus Christ who, like myself, sometimes grow weary –or vexed – as ol’ Lot might have put it while enduring to the end his time in Sodom.

“Are we there yet?” That is, how long before we reach the end of our Lord’s tolerance for the evil flourishing all around us while we keep looking up,” as my friend the late J.R. Church used to put it at the close of his Prophecy In The News TV program each week.

Each and every day – actually, each and every news cycle – we are inundated with end-times storm warnings. And it seems as if the Words of Warning from the Chief Prophetic Meteorologist of all history is speaking directly to those who, as commanded by Him – are “watching in order to discern where this generation stands on God’s Prophetic Timeline.

Jesus gave the signals to look for as Earth’s inhabitants near the outbreak of history’s most virulent turbulence – that of the Tribulation era. The following is that Storm warning.

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