Monday, June 10, 2024

Elections in Europe See Gains by Far Right

We believe this might be a good sign for the cause of “common sense”.  Even in far-left Europe the people have had enough and put some far-right politicians into power.  This has shocked the left.  Maybe this is foreshadowing of what could happen in America come November?

We don’t believe that Republicans/Trump will save America and we don’t believe this election will save/change Europe.  But as we read the books of Chronicles and see how Judah would get a God-fearing king every so often, that king seeking righteousness would delay the destruction of Judah/Jerusalem.  It didn’t prevent it but delayed it for a few more years.

America will be destroyed one day, that’s a fact.  But maybe by electing people who believe murdering babies is wrong, surgically altering little kids to change their gender is wrong, cursing Israel is wrong and that America was founded by God-fearing people…maybe if that happens in November we can further delay the destruction of America?


 BRUSSELS (AP) — A four-day election has shaken the foundations of the European Union, with the far right rocking ruling parties in France and Germany, the bloc’s traditional driving forces. For the next five years it will be harder for the European Parliament to make decisions.

French President Emmanuel Macron called snap national elections after Marine Le Pen’s National Rally humbled his pro-European centrists in the polls. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats also suffered as the extreme-right Alternative for Germany shrugged off scandals to make massive gains.

In Italy, the party of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, which has neo-fascist roots, won more than 28% of the national vote for the EU assembly, which would make it a key player in forming future alliances.

Green and pro-business liberal groups across Europe suffered heavy defeats, but mainstream formations held their ground, with the center-right European People’s Party remaining the biggest bloc in the 27-nation EU’s assembly.

Voters in France will return to the polls in just three weeks after Macron dissolved parliament and called snap national elections. Le Pen’s anti-immigration, nationalist party was estimated to get around 31%-32% of the vote. While a National Rally win was expected, the scale of the victory was a surprise, more than doubling the share of Macron’s Renaissance party, which was projected to reach around 15%. It should become clear by mid-July whether a weakened Macron will be forced to work with a far-right government in an uncomfortable “cohabitation.”


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