Monday, July 29, 2024

America Not Ready for Major War

Of course the average American has no clue what technology will be used to fight a major war.  Just like when Desert Storm broke in 1991 and we all sat in amazement watching missiles with cameras fly down chimneys in Iraq, it will likely be the same story if America goes to war head to head with China and Russia.  But according to some reports we aren’t ready to fight.  If you were Russia and China reading this report while watching the confusion exploding in America, you might say, “let’s do this now!”


The country is unaware of the dangers ahead, and of the costs to prepare for them

General charles “cq” brown, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, America’s top military officer, recently told the Aspen Security Forum, a gathering of the country’s foreign-policy elite, that the nation’s armed forces were the “most lethal, most respected combat force in the world”. Steely-faced, and to jubilant whoops, he declared: “I do not play for second place.” In reality, America’s military position is eroding. That is the message of a report published on July 29th by a bipartisan commission entrusted by Congress with scrutinising the Biden administration’s national defence strategy (nds), a document published two years ago.


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