Saturday, July 20, 2024

Divide the Masses to Bring Down a Nation

Satan, the Prince of this earth, loves to divide everything.  Marriages, churches, families, friendships, denominations and political parties.  Right now millions of Americans believe that fighting over GOP vs DFL is where the fight is.  In reality the fight is so much bigger and taking place in the heavenly realms.  The spirit of the Antichrist is getting ready.  All the pieces are on the board.  We just need a trigger.


 Something resembling a new form of totalitarianism … or something resembling civil war.

One thing often leads to the other.

Every new totalitarian system is preceded by some sort of civil war. You can’t just implement totalitarianism out of nowhere. In order to impose totalitarianism on society, you need to tear society apart, pit the masses against each other, foment fanaticism, mass hysteria and hatred. Above all, you need to foment fear. Once you have torn society apart and whipped the masses into a mindless paroxysm of fear and hate and murderous rage, you can implement your new form of totalitarianism fairly easily, as people will be desperate for the restoration of “order.”

One of the best ways to tear society apart and whip the masses into a mindless frenzy of fear and homicidal rage and hatred until they literally cannot think anymore and are reduced to a robotic state of cognition in which they shut down entirely or are transformed into shrieking fanatical zealots is to:

(a) terrorise them with fake existential threats, like the return of Hitler, or an apocalyptic virus, or whatever,

(b) demonise everyone who refuses to play along with the fake existential threats as yet another existential threat, and then

(c) terrorise the masses all over again.

If you do that long enough, what will eventually happen is, the people you demonised as an existential threat because they wouldn’t play along with the fake existential threats you were terrorising the masses with will rise up against you, and attempt to remove you from power.

At that point, you will be on the brink of civil war, which is exactly what you were trying to achieve. Because, once you’re on the brink of civil war, you can justify the implementation of your new form of totalitarianism without too much trouble.


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