Monday, July 8, 2024

Persecution of Jews Will Bring Them Home to Israel

 The Jews were very happy in Germany...until the Germans turned on them.  Many lost their lives in the Holocaust and many of them ended up in what was soon to be Israel.

The Jews are very happy in France.  Political and religious freedom.  But now France has let in millions of Muslims who don't care for Jews and persecution has started.  We are sure that many French Jews will be packing their things and moving to Israel.

The Jews are very happy in America.  They have a huge presence in Hollywood and on Wall Street.  They are free to build synagogues and many have ascended to the highest ranks of corporate and political leadership.  But we are sure that many Jews are already feeling unsafe at colleges and universities across the country and some will be packing their things and moving to Israel.

“Jews are not safe anymore. Not in Paris, not in New York, not in Los Angeles and not in Australia. So I call all the Jewish community to come to Israel to their national, historical, religious and cultural homeland.” – Sharren Haskel

A Jewish elderly woman was violently assaulted by Arab Muslims in a violent antisemitic attack outside her home in Val-d’Oise, a northern suburb of Paris called SunBreeze. Isreali National Unity Party MK Sharren Haskel announced on Wednesday that her 88-year-old grandmother was the victim. French authorities have initiated an investigation into the attack.

The Assault

According to reports, two Arab men attacked the elderly woman while she was on her way to get blood tests. One of the assailants punched her in the face, breaking her teeth and knocking her to the ground. As she lay on the ground, the attacker continued to kick her in the back while shouting antisemitic slurs, including “Dirty Jew, dirty old lady, this is what you deserve.” The victim sustained injuries to her back, knees, shoulder, and right wrist, requiring medical treatment. She believes she was targeted because she was wearing a Star of David necklace.

Details from the Family

In an interview with i24 News, Haskel, an Isreali politician born in Canada, elaborated on the incident: “My 88-year-old grandmother lives in a northern suburb of Paris called SunBreeze. She’s very independent, even though her age, and on that morning, she went to get her blood tests. Just before she reached the laboratories, two Arab Muslims attacked her from behind, punching her, kicking her to the ground, spitting on her, calling her names like ‘dirty Jew,’ and then running away. This was a purely antisemitic attack meant to violently attack Jews and humiliate them.”

Haskel emphasized the frequency and severity of antisemitic attacks in France: “It’s not just an occasional, rare event. This is actually quite common right now in France, unfortunately. It’s very far from being dealt with. There’s nothing really that the French government is doing to protect the Jewish community.”

Response and Criticism

Condemning the escalating antisemitism, Haskel stated, “Antisemitism in France has been surging for a long time, and since October 7th, it has become unbearable while the French government remains indifferent.” She criticized the French government’s response, specifically targeting President Emmanuel Macron’s initiatives: “What Macron has said is that he wants to start an education program that should have happened 10 years ago. Right now, action is needed. The Jews need the protection of the authorities, and they don’t do anything. They’re not safe in France.”

A Call to Action

Haskel described the current situation in France as a “complete plague” of antisemitism, with violent mobs and pro-terrorist demonstrators targeting Jewish neighborhoods. “There’s violent mobs, pro-terrorists who are marching the streets, demonstrating, destroying everything in their way, targeting and driving through Jewish neighborhoods trying to find Jews. This is just unbearable,” she said. She urged the Israeli government to take a leading role in combating global antisemitism and suggested the establishment of more comprehensive databases on antisemitic incidents. “There should be more civilian initiatives like the ‘Jew hate database’ in America. It is far more effective than anything I’ve seen until now, in having a price tag against racism,” she noted.

A Personal Plea

Concluding her remarks, Haskel issued a personal plea and warning to Jews worldwide: “Jews are not safe anymore. Not in Paris, not in New York, not in Los Angeles and not in Australia. So I call all the Jewish community to come to Israel to their national, historical, religious and cultural homeland. I call them to come here because at least here there’ll be capable of defending themselves by themselves and they’re not going to be at the mercy of rulers or government who are not doing anything. It’s about time they come home. I call them personally to come home.”

Here;  'Dirty Jew, Dirty Old lady, This is What You Deserve': Jewish Grandmother (88) of Israeli Politician Beaten by Arab Muslims in France (Video) - RAIR (

"It's about time they come home.  I call them to personally to come home."  

Wow oh wow!

God uses persecution to bring the Jews back to the land promised to them via Abraham.  But why would they leave America where they have fine houses, fine businesses and a wonderful lifestyle?  Why would they leave France?  Because Jew hatred will continue forcing the Jews to leave and be concentrated in a tiny strip of land along the Mediterranean.  Sadly the near future doesn't sound good for those Jews who reject Jesus and will be forced to endure the Great Tribulation which includes the fury of the Antichrist.

Zechariah 13:8, "In the whole land', declares the Lord. "two-thirds will be struck down and perish; yet one-third will be left in it.  This third I will put into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold."

So 1/3 will not die but will be refined and purified.  It would also seem they will be protected by God himself at Petra, Jordan during the final 3 1/2 years and that those Jews will enter into the Millennium in their human bodies.  Those are also the Jews who will cry out to Jesus, the one whom they pierced, and finally recognize Him as Messiah.


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