Monday, August 5, 2024

Aliens Used as Great Delusion Following Rapture?

We started talking about “aliens” over 15 years ago and how these demons would be used by the leaders of earth to explain the rapture.  Today we find that the founder of Rapture Ready, Terry James, has also arrived at this conclusion.

We were on an Alien website all those years ago and read a comment that was being supposedly channeled by an alien some distance away.  He was telling his followers to prepare for a day when millions would vanish from earth.  He said that those left behind shouldn’t be too concerned because the aliens took those people away to be reprogrammed to accept the New Age.  Those folks then had been clinging to old books (Bible?) and old thinking and simply weren’t ready to accept the new ways that were coming.  

We really do have to be close to that wonderful day when we meet The Truth in the clouds.  Come Lord Jesus!


As mentioned above, the earth is being prepared, I’m convinced, for just such an answer as the Antichrist will concoct. We have been given a taste of that preparation taking place for quite some time. A news story from the year 2010, for example, gave more than an inkling of the groundwork being laid for that “lie”:

It has been the subject of movies for decades—but what would REALLY happen if aliens visited Earth? This may sound like a topic for conspiracy theorists or mad UFO obsessives, yet this week, science’s finest minds gathered in London to debate that very question. …The conference, The Detection of Extraterrestrial Life and the Consequences for Science and Society, was held at the high-brow Royal Society HQ in central London…

It is often said the discovery of other civilizations would shatter world religions. Delegates were not so sure. Professor Ted Peters, a theologian, briefed the meeting on some survey results that suggested that rather than undermine religious beliefs—whatever the faith—it would strengthen them by making God’s creation seem even bigger and more wonderful.

Not everyone agreed. British physicist Paul Davies thought Christians would have a problem, given the central belief that Jesus died to save us. If we discover other civilizations, it would raise the awkward question: Why just us? (Nick Pope, “If the Cosmic Phone Rings…Don’t Answer,” 1/28/10;

The “lie” of 2 Thessalonians 2 could well bring into its orbit and make totally believable 1) universalism—the belief that all people are God’s children and there are many ways to salvation; and 2) the notion that Jesus Christ couldn’t have been the Savior or else He would have to die on other worlds for those inhabitants and for others in other universes.

With the way psychologically and demonically paved for there to be a massive UFO invasion during the Tribulation, millions looking for an explanation of why their world is upside down will undoubtedly readily believe such a lie—the one that the ETs who have just removed millions of rebels from the earth have come to rescue the world from oblivion.


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