Friday, September 20, 2024

Oracle Chairman Says Monitoring Your Every Move is Coming

 Have you ever wondered how many times you are actually on camera when you drive to work?  Every intersection you drove through has a camera.  Every gas pump, almost every building that you drove by has security cameras mounted outside.  Then consider the phone in your pocket.  If the police got a warrant they could see everywhere you went today by tracking your phone.  How about the car you have that has Onstar?  They can see everywhere you drove and know how fast you drove to get there.  How about the millions of RING doorbells that record anything close to them?

Certainly a day is coming when everyone will have to be on their “best behavior” because they are constantly on camera.  Any crimes will be recorded.  And with AI help those crimes could be called into the authorities while they are happening.

But what happens when the government makes it a crime to speak out against abortion?  Or say anything in public that makes anyone in the LGBTQ community feel bad?  What happens if the government makes it illegal to speak disparaging comments about the President?  Sadly, that day is a lot closer than anyone realizes.


Larry Ellison, co-founder of Oracle and Chairman of the Board and Chief Technology Officer, envisions a future where artificial intelligence (“AI”) systems monitor citizens extensively through a network of cameras and drones.

Ellison shared his vision during the ‘Oracle Financial Analyst Meeting 2024’ in an investor Q&A session, highlighting the potential benefits of AI-driven supervision.

He said AI will usher in a new era of surveillance that he gleefully said will ensure “citizens will be on their best behaviour because we are constantly recording and reporting everything that’s going on.”

This widespread surveillance will infringe on personal freedoms, creating a surveillance state.  But it’s not only citizens he wants AI to oversee.  He also envisions that AI will monitor law enforcement.  “We’re going to have supervision. Every police officer’s going to be supervised at all times,” he said.

Ellison’s vision highlights a growing trend among tech companies to use AI for societal influence, which could reshape public life in the coming years.


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