Saturday, October 5, 2024

We’re on the Brink of WWIII

Amazing!  Iran shot off 1/10th of its missiles into Israel and failed to kill a single Jew!  Now Israel has a right to attack Iran and pound its nuclear facilities and they should!  Iran is the terrorist sponsoring state that keeps messing up everything in the Middle East.

Of course we all know there will be no real peace until the Prince of Peace returns.


If you crave peace, a war against Iran will be necessary first. If you want to avert a nuclear apocalypse, Iran’s atomic programme must be obliterated. If you long for a better, saner world, Iran’s repugnant theocrats need to be extirpated.

Israel must be allowed to attack Iran’s evil regime, and the West must support it. The regime is the original Islamist extremist state; it is the fount of almost all trouble in the Middle East, the foremost exporter of terrorism, an ally of Russia, a friend of China, a cancer eating away at humanity’s common destiny.

The regime has oppressed its wonderful, peace-loving people for 45 years, often in the most savage ways, pitilessly persecuting women and minorities. The West, wracked by self-doubt, ignorance, selfishness and cowardice, has been willfully blind to their pleas for deliverance. We have instead attempted to appease the Mullahs, to relativise or normalise their genocidal machinations, to sign deals with them, to protect the oil market, to endlessly buy time.

It hasn’t worked, and Judgement Day beckons. It is time for Israel to save the West from itself, to conduct the dirty, dangerous work that far larger, richer and more powerful countries are too debilitated to pursue themselves.

This wouldn’t be the first time: Israel did the world a historic favour when it bombed Iraq’s Osirak reactor in 1981 and destroyed the Al-Kibar planned nuclear plant in Syria in 2007; a similar move targeting Iran’s many such facilities is no longer beyond the realm of the possible.

If Israel doesn’t have the equipment to do so itself, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris must send in their own bunker-busting bombs. I’m not calling for any kind of land invasion, or even for the UK to get directly involved. But we need to be honest: regime change in Iran should be a top foreign policy priority for every democracy in the world. Why has Britain still not proscribed the IRGC?

Tuesday’s strike was a disastrous gamble by Iran. It failed to kill any Israelis or to meaningfully damage civilian or military infrastructure. Iran has already used up a tenth of its 3,000 ballistic missile stockpile (as estimated by a US general last year) for nothing: it has exposed its fundamental military and technological inadequacy, it didn’t establish deterrence, it forced a drastic hardening of America’s position, it stopped Europe’s useful idiots from calling for a ceasefire in Lebanon and, for the first time, created a critical opening for Israel to deliver an overwhelming military blow.


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