Sunday, November 10, 2024

Great Book Recommendation

 I recently had the opportunity to teach an adult ed class on Monday nights in October at our church in Buffalo, MN.  The title of the class was, "The Imminent Return of Christ."  We had a ton of fun talking about all that is happening in the world and how we believe that what we are seeing in the headlines everyday is setting up the world for the Great Tribulation.  As pre-millennialists, we believe the next event on God's prophetic calendar is the rapture of the church.  This will be followed by the Antichrist being revealed and the final 7 years will commence when he signs/confirms a peace agreement with Israel.  Christ will return at the end of the 7 years and set up his literal kingdom in Jerusalem and sit on David's throne.  Satan will be bound for 1000 years so he can't deceive the nations during this time.  Life spans of humans (who survived the Great Tribulation) will be lengthened and the child will play with poisonous snakes and the lion will lay down with the lamb.  It will be a golden age!!

Probably most of my readers also share this understanding of how events are going to unfold.  What an exciting time to be alive!!

We aren't alone in this belief and some of the great preachers of today share this understanding.  Dr. David Jeremiah, Pastor Mike Fabarez, Pastor Robert Jeffress, Pastor Greg Laurie and many others.

Another big name that shares this view is Max Lucado.  He has a new book out called WHAT HAPPENS NEXT.  A TRAVELER'S GUIDE THROUGH THE END OF THIS AGE.

I'm reading it now and he does a fantastic job of confirming how the end of this age of grace is all going to play out.  He uses great word pictures and examples in explaining how everything fits together.  

Also, if you're still confused as to why the final 7 years is called the, "70th Week of Daniel", he puts it together in pretty easy to understand words.

So I strongly recommend that you spend $15 and have this book sent to your house or downloaded onto your device.  If you're confused about things, this will help clarify.  If you're already pretty solid on your timeline then this will confirm.  Either way, it will be a blessing.


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